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How much does stress affect your health?

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I do stress. I'd say to an extent I thrive on it. The wheels fall off when I can't control something or people/companies don't do what they say, nay volunteer they'll do and their inactivity/inability affects me directly. Then I go superfly.


I try to avoid that by giving myself wiggle room.

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I don't do stress anymore, I do meditation. As said stress can impair your mental and physical well being with people coping with stress in different ways, smoking, drinking, eating etc


Smoking,drinking eating sounds like me over eating more chocolate and ice cream are my comfort

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I've been feeling very stressed out, anxious, and upset for quite a while now. The last couple of weeks I've had an almost permanent headache and have had several heavy nose bleeds. I think stress can effect you in the strangest ways.


I get a few headaches from stress, I never used to, child care and relationship issues, mostly.

I am not sure if being stressed and being anxious is the same, I think that women will call it being anxious and men stress. I sometimes stops me from getting things done, I call it a mental block, I know I have things to do, but I need to calm down by drinking tea and eating cake.

I have managed to keep really busy this last week or so, so I did manage to get passed the anxiety.

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I do stress. I'd say to an extent I thrive on it. The wheels fall off when I can't control something or people/companies don't do what they say, nay volunteer they'll do and their inactivity/inability affects me directly. Then I go superfly..


Sports psychologists say to top athletes "control the controllables", you can't control anything else so why bother. Concentrate on preparation, training, good food, hydration, sleep, technique, composure, breathing and then the moment.


If you Google the phrase there are loads of examples.

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Like some of the above posts have alluded to, stress in manageable amounts is a good thing and motivates us to complete and progress. However, if you are finding that you have a persistent skin complaint, stress may be a factor, along with other factors such as pre-existing allergies and facets of your diet. Exposure to certain patterns of chronic stress suppresses your immune system which can leave your skin in a poor state. If you would like an interesting read by one of the foremost modern researchers into the effects of stress, I would recommend Robert Supolski, Why Zebras Don't Ger Ulcers. Fascinating stuff.



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In biological terms when you feel stressed you're releasing lots of hormones like cortisol and epinephrine, which have huge effects on the body.



Just had a health check at the docs today, all good so far, low blood pressure as ever; still feeling stressed, but no measurable effects.

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Just had a health check at the docs today, all good so far, low blood pressure as ever; still feeling stressed, but no measurable effects.


Maybe your sensation of stress is not sufficiently elevated to release stress hormones, or maybe the stress hormones haven't been around for long enough to actually do you any damage yet. If the rest of your body is strong enough then it may be years before any negative side effects are seen.

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