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Two Sides To An Estate

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I live on the Halfway estate in SE Sheffield. There are 2 sides to Halfway; a council estate and a private estate. I live on the private estate and its very nice and peaceful but the council estate and up where the shops are have given Halfway a particularly bad name with gun crime and anti-social behaviour and whatnot.


Anybody else suffer with this issue on their estate?

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Okay, I think this may have been misinterpreted


I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the council side because I don't think it's a particularly rough estate, compared to the others in Sheffield.


But outsiders think it is and its giving the whole of Halfway a bad name. I don't think its fair to call either side "rough". I was asking if anyone else has the issue where outsiders think the whole estate is a s***hole because they think the council estate is one.

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You sure you don't mean Westfield? .

I didn't think there were any shops at Halfway except Morrison's

Reading your previous post about Challoner and Pedley, you refer to Westfield not Halfway.

Edited by woggle
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I live on the Halfway estate in SE Sheffield. There are 2 sides to Halfway; a council estate and a private estate. I live on the private estate and its very nice and peaceful but the council estate and up where the shops are have given Halfway a particularly bad name with gun crime and anti-social behaviour and whatnot.


Anybody else suffer with this issue on their estate?



Yes, but our roles are reversed I'm in the poor end, please take pity! I promise I won't rob you in my scummy state.

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I live on the Halfway estate in SE Sheffield. There are 2 sides to Halfway; a council estate and a private estate. I live on the private estate and its very nice and peaceful but the council estate and up where the shops are have given Halfway a particularly bad name with gun crime and anti-social behaviour and whatnot.


Anybody else suffer with this issue on their estate?


Twas a lovely peaceful area 30 odd years ago, until they started to build private homes. Bloody middleclass heathens.:P

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