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To Be Or Not To Be?

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That is the question at Frecheville!


The Frecheville Amateur Dramatic Society, which has been putting on 2 plays every year since 1980, is very short of members at the moment. So much so, that their next production may have to be postponed or even cancelled. This would be such a shame, as their productions are very good & they have a loyal audience who enjoy them very much.


So, come on all you closet thespians out there - stop hiding your lights under bushels & all that! Even if you prefer a backstage job - you are needed & will be made welcome. You can reply to me here - or pm me for any further details.


If I knew how to put those jumpy smiley bananas on the end - I would have!

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Thanks for the reply Lunnster.


Rehearsal nights are Tuesdays from 8 - 10 (ish), and for a few weeks before a play - some Sunday morning rehearsals are needed. You would be very welcome to come & have a look at us, to see if we are the sort of group you are looking for. For the play in jeopardy - we really need someone aged 30-40, but new members of any age are welcome. If you would like any further details - you only have to ask.

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