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Syriza to get majority in Greece.

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Looks like Syriza is going to have a majority, Sky News Journo has just said "this is one of the most significant political events in Europe for thirty years". Syriza are not just a Greek political party, they are also determined to change political dynamics across the EU, interesting times to come.

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Great news for the Greeks... its time to reject the EU.... its beginning to die now...


Remind us, aren't Syriza are a left-wing anti-austerity party?


If so, where are the similarities with UKIP, please?

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Great news for the Greeks... its time to reject the EU.... its beginning to die now...


Yes, excellent news for the Greeks! I am sure they will love having an ultra-left social government who promise an exit funded through massive tax-increases, that proclaims 'austerity over' but has no means to actually fund anything.


Going to be amazing.




I know a lot of Greeks through work, highly educated Greeks, that are mortified by this development, many are already looking for a way out of their home-country as there is very little chance of this ending well. Several of them showed up at their university for work one day to find the gates closed and a single police-officer outside explaining that the government had withdrawn all funding with immediate effect and they were without jobs. There wasn't even a phone-number to contact about what would happen with their pensions, outstanding wages, expense claims and so on, because the number that used to provide that service had been cut with the same signature.


What is going to be even more amazing for the staunch nationalists on this forum is that the Euro-countries that were begged, on bare knees, also by the prime minister of this country, to provide money so Greece would not default and suffer even more embarrassing cuts to practically every government service in existence, are now going to be left with a new and unwanted debt. Woohoo! Excellent news! Sure it is only the Eurozone that will suffer right? ....


Newsflash: it won't be. The recession that we were just out of? Coming back with a vengeance. You know that massive deficit the UK has? About to get bigger, a lot bigger.


Woohoo! Excellent news!

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Oh, thread title may need amending, should always wait for final results.


They take one independent fella in to make up the final seat and govern the country??


---------- Post added 25-01-2015 at 19:51 ----------


Going to be amazing.


The cheap holidays to Greece might be back on


Woohoo! Excellent news!

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Remind us, aren't Syriza are a left-wing anti-austerity party?


If so, where are the similarities with UKIP, please?


The destruction of the EU


Yes, excellent news for the Greeks! I am sure they will love having an ultra-left social government who promise an exit funded through massive tax-increases, that proclaims 'austerity over' but has no means to actually fund anything.


Going to be amazing.




I know a lot of Greeks through work, highly educated Greeks, that are mortified by this development, many are already looking for a way out of their home-country as there is very little chance of this ending well. Several of them showed up at their university for work one day to find the gates closed and a single police-officer outside explaining that the government had withdrawn all funding with immediate effect and they were without jobs. There wasn't even a phone-number to contact about what would happen with their pensions, outstanding wages, expense claims and so on, because the number that used to provide that service had been cut with the same signature.


What is going to be even more amazing for the staunch nationalists on this forum is that the Euro-countries that were begged, on bare knees, also by the prime minister of this country, to provide money so Greece would not default and suffer even more embarrassing cuts to practically every government service in existence, are now going to be left with a new and unwanted debt. Woohoo! Excellent news! Sure it is only the Eurozone that will suffer right? ....


Newsflash: it won't be. The recession that we were just out of? Coming back with a vengeance. You know that massive deficit the UK has? About to get bigger, a lot bigger.


Woohoo! Excellent news!


Its democracy I know you EU supporters don't like it... But if the people speak, the people speak.

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The destruction of the EU




Its democracy I know you EU supporters don't like it... But if the people speak, the people speak.


Sadly, it will also be the destruction of the Greek nation if they default.


Removed from the Euro, a new Drachma will be hideously devalued. Greece's economy is already a basket case, where do you suppose they are going to get the funds from to buy food, raw materials and energy. It would be a crazy political party that led a nation into darkness and starvation.


For those reasons alone, you aren't going to see the end of the EU, just another fudge.

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