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Syriza to get majority in Greece.

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What will this do to the Euro?


That rather depends upon what the Greeks do next. If they default and "leave" the currency, it will strengthen the Euro.

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Nobody knows how it will pan out. Syriza have promised to end austerity and reduce their debt by 50%.

In effect they are going to tell their creditors to take (another) cut in what they are owed. Whether the creditors agree to this is another matter.


Greeks say they want to stay in the Euro, and in the past there has been cross European support for them staying in. Whether this still exists no one knows yet.


What is certain is that the Germans will not be happy. They preach sound finance, nations paying their debts and so on. Not borrowing, going bust and then saying sorry, we ain't paying.


There have been suggestions that the Germans are so mad that they want to kick the Greeks out of the Euro rather than let them off paying. Because if the Greeks say they aren't paying, then the risk is that the others in trouble, like Spain, Portugal, Italy and Cyprus will also be tempted to say "Well, if THEY aren't paying up then neither are we".


Truth is that Greece was never fiscally fit enough to join the Euro. The "tough rules" for joining the euro were a joke. Goldman Sachs got creative on the Greek accounts and Greece was welcomed into the Euro with great fanfare.


There was a great push for nations to sign up to the Euro as part of the great European project but political ego triumphed over financial sense.

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Nobody knows how it will pan out. Syriza have promised to end austerity and reduce their debt by 50%.

In effect they are going to tell their creditors to take (another) cut in what they are owed. Whether the creditors agree to this is another matter.


So the creditors will have a choice between 50% of something, or 100% of nothing.


Whilst I have little sympathy for the usurers and money lenders that devour the wealth of small nations, I'd love to know: how do they get their money back? It's not like they can send the heavy mob round with a baseball bat anymore (or launch a military invasion).

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The destruction of the EU




Its democracy I know you EU supporters don't like it... But if the people speak, the people speak.


I already knew you were so simple that you think the EU is undemocratic, I didn't realise you were so simple that you actually believe the collapse of the EU is going to do you or the UK any good.


I sincerely hope you have no savings, pension or are in fact employed in one of millions of jobs that rely on foreign trade, because if you get your way that is all going to be gone soon.

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