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The unemployed are punished with hunger - unemployment the worst crime

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I can easily back up my statement with examples Xenia, I just chose not to. And your execrable response is exactly what I expected from you.

Hopefully everyone reading this can see that your a wind up merchant, and a troll.

When you posted on here as Xenia, pretending to be some wealthy hot shot, putting down others who were low paid, everyone knew that you were going to get your comeuppance. And when you were outed, not as a wealthy hot shot, but as a low paid worker yourself, you scuttled off and crawled back on here with a new username. At least 3 times.

I've no problem if you want to create new usernames on here, but why pretend to be something you're not? Why try to kid people on here that you go to the Savoy in London? It's pathetic. Can't you just be happy with what you've got? You criticise me for being envious, I think you're the one whose envious of other's money.


You are right, I deeply envy Branson, the sage of Omaha, and anyone with more than a billion. Other than them im doing fine.


---------- Post added 04-02-2015 at 12:15 ----------


I see the EU is about to start Quantitative Easing... more money for the rich. Its being reported that Italy will follow Spain to rebel against the EU who's policy is influenced by 60 massive industry leaders...


The poor have had enough and are at last starting to rebel against austerity. The EU dream will be dead in 5 years. Yippee.


What do you envisage in its place?


---------- Post added 04-02-2015 at 12:20 ----------


Very true, and reminds me of this quote from Jeff Torrington's novel "Swing, Hammer, Swing". He's talking about a homeless person who's passing by:


"But how far were any of us from the degradation of that loser who stared in through the steamy window? Maybe only a thousand heartbeats or so: the death of a partner; the loss of a job; the tumble down the stairs of some ambition; awakening one morning to find yourself colonised by a mood which progressively thickens like a cataract; any one of these calamities could be enough to send you looking for brotherly love on a bombsite, squalling, aye, maybe even murdering, for a mouthful of hair-lacquer, lying down until dawn amidst ratsh*t and ashes."


It's the lack of imaginative sympathy or compassion for people in that kind of situation (or other less extreme situations) that worries me as much as anything about the Camerons and Osbornes of this world, and as you say, it seems to have infected parts of the wider population too.


[That quote is untypical of the novel as a whole, by the way. It's in fact a really funny book, recommended if you haven't read it.]


Is it compassionate to allow people to rot away on benefits? Is it not more compassionate to encourage, sometimes firmly, that person to get a job, to learn a skill, a trade?


"The poor are always with us". Is a regrettable fact, even under Mao and thirty years of Communism there were still beggars in the streets of all Chinas major cities. Your sentiment is laudable but you only have to read here some of the contributions on this forum to see that a minority are determined to screw the system.

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Nobody is screwing the system more than Cameron, Osborne and their friends.


Like the guy who was best man at Osborne's wedding, whose hedge fund helped itself to an instant £36m from the privatisation of Royal Mail.


Like the MPs and peers with stakes in private healthcare companies voting through NHS "reforms".


Like the people who run academy school chains - only this week Cameron had the brass neck to say that conversion of schools to academies is in the interest of improving standards.


It's not just Tories..What about the Labour peers who have interests in private health ..


Lord Leitch..Chairman of BUPA..


Lord Elder..Director of Daval International


Lord Evans..deputy Chairman ... Advanced Oncotherapy plc


There's loads more if you look..

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Absolutely, (New) Labour is almost as riddled with these people as are the Tories. The whole PFI scandal really took off under their administration, for example.


It's the whole establishment. What we do about it, though, is anybody's guess.


At last, somebody who can see beyond the party politics.

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Absolute waffle, you make a statement, are asked to back it up and cannot. The working poor or anyone else that is working should be grateful to the genius of those who create and build the businesses, create the jobs and pay the wages that keep the vast majority in their cars, on their holidays with food on the table and a roof over their heads. The idle and feckless also feed themselves, keep their wall mounted LEDs TVs, due to the taxes paid disproportionately by those of us who contribute most.


I asked you for names, you failed. Just the usual envious rant.


Alan. I follow your posts with interest. I'm not sure whether you're a troll, or just a bit dim, or maybe it's 50/50?


I'll start by agreeing with you though. People like Steve Jobs (I like to use Apple as an example, other companies are also available) are geniuses. I love their products and I'm great fun for them. However, why should that cause me to turn a blind eye to the fact that Apple refuses to pay tax, not just in the UK, but the US too? Why should I be great fun that they manufacture their products in China, paying their staff next to nothing, in sweatshop conditions?


And, just who are these people who you describe? The ones with all the money who don't work? Do you honestly think that the majority of people on benefits are having the time of their lives? Get a grip man! People want to work. People want to earn money. Amd, no one is paying disproportionately more tax. You earn more, you pay more. I pay 45%, I'd happily see that go back up to 50%, but what I'd like to see most of all, is equality.


Making businesses pay their way, won't stop geniuses creating amazing products. It won't stop millionaires becoming billionaires. It will help restore equality though, and maybe put some more money in the pockets of the middle/working class so they can afford to buy these amazing products.


---------- Post added 04-02-2015 at 14:31 ----------


I see the EU is about to start Quantitative Easing... more money for the rich. Its being reported that Italy will follow Spain to rebel against the EU who's policy is influenced by 60 massive industry leaders...


The poor have had enough and are at last starting to rebel against austerity. The EU dream will be dead in 5 years. Yippee.


And if things in Greece are anything to go by, the left will come out of this much better than the right.


---------- Post added 04-02-2015 at 14:35 ----------


At last, somebody who can see beyond the party politics.


There's not many of us lol

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Nobody is screwing the system more than Cameron, Osborne and their friends.


Like the guy who was best man at Osborne's wedding, whose hedge fund helped itself to an instant £36m from the privatisation of Royal Mail.


Like the MPs and peers with stakes in private healthcare companies voting through NHS "reforms".


Like the people who run academy school chains - only this week Cameron had the brass neck to say that conversion of schools to academies is in the interest of improving standards.


So you support those who ruined the economy, invaded foreign countries, are directly responsible for the death of at least 500,000 Iraquis. Are currently ruining the Welsh NHS, are responsible for the Rotherham debacle?


Even if what you state is true (and it is not) I would rather be a true blue Tory than one of you lot any day of the week.


---------- Post added 05-02-2015 at 13:14 ----------


That's all very well, but, again, what are we supposed to do about it, given that the system is party political? A choice between the Corrupt Party and the Slightly Less Corrupt Party isn't very appealing. How can we save the NHS if the only people with a realistic chance of getting elected have a personal financial interest in undermining the NHS?



Don't worry about the NHS. Its safe in our hands.

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So you support those who ruined the economy, invaded foreign countries, are directly responsible for the death of at least 500,000 Iraquis. Are currently ruining the Welsh NHS, are responsible for the Rotherham debacle?


Even if what you state is true (and it is not) I would rather be a true blue Tory than one of you lot any day of the week.


---------- Post added 05-02-2015 at 13:14 ----------




Don't worry about the NHS. Its safe in our hands.




Never let the truth get in the way of electioneering rubbish!

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