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Would unemployment have been ended if there had been no immigration ??

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Pay a fair wage, price of fruit goes up massively, can't compete with fruit picked abroad, fruit farmers go bust in the UK.


No it wouldnt.Less air miles, more volume, seasonal equals lower prices. Infact the uk could grow all its own food, employing people here instead of abroad.


---------- Post added 27-01-2015 at 01:46 ----------


Let people grow fruit.


It's currently illegal to grow it for the plebs.


A fair wage can be paid, fruit prices can rise, higher wages allow people to purchase fruit etc. We don't need for there to be a feudal system with respect to our food production for crying out loud.


We are supposed to be a capitalist democracy, yet we are still a feudalist monarchy, with people existing in states of slavery.


Even better. Everyone to have an allotment


---------- Post added 27-01-2015 at 01:48 ----------


Masses of fruit is wasted due to supermarkets rejections. We already grow enough to feed the uk.


---------- Post added 27-01-2015 at 01:58 ----------


Uk fruit; eaten in season is cheaper than foreign grown fruit out of season.

Edited by ubermaus
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No it wouldnt.Less air miles, more volume, seasonal equals lower prices. Infact the uk could grow all its own food, employing people here instead of abroad.

It's lower price at the moment. It wouldn't be if it were picked at a higher wage.

Even better. Everyone to have an allotment

Most people don't want one, and where would the land come from for it?


---------- Post added 27-01-2015 at 07:33 ----------


If theft is wrong, the land thiefs stole should be returned to common!


Prove it was stolen then.

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And if the immigrants didn't pick it, we'd still have the same unemployment, but nobody would pick the fruit.


The immigrants sound more like slaves and whilst ever farmers have an endless supply of slaves why on earth would they ever need to paying enough to encourage British works to do the job.




Fruit pickers: 'The money we earn is not worth getting out of bed for'

They were promised a decent living, but the reality has been very different. Jerome Taylor meets the migrant labourers who feel betrayed by one of Britain's largest fruit suppliers.


The work would be hard, he was told, but he could expect an eight-hour day, five days a week. Instead he is lucky if he brings in any more than £45 at the end of each week for 18 hours' work – the equivalent of £2.50 an hour.


"I feel like a slave," he says. "I want to go back to Bulgaria but where will I find the money to pay for the flight?"

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It is now owned by a few, when before it was shared by many. That is all the proof you need.


I don't suppose they have a receipt for payment... Most land was stolen many years ago. As was the USA, Australia and many other land masses..

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It's lower price at the moment. It wouldn't be if it were picked at a higher wage.

Most people don't want one, and where would the land come from for it?


---------- Post added 27-01-2015 at 07:33 ----------



Prove it was stolen then.


So youd exploit some young worker just to have cheaper fruit? Very charitible.


Years ago picked fruit in australia on my travels. 25 bucks a quarter ton of peaches. 45 degree heat. Hardest work ive ever done!

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Without immigration it is likely that unemployment would have been higher, not lower. Unlike the popular belief immigration contributes to the economy.




Well over £120 billion cost despite the study not included numerous costs and them trying to validate your bogus claim

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