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Would unemployment have been ended if there had been no immigration ??

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There are enough educated British people wanting to train as nurses but the places are not available and yes to me it is far more important to train and employ the British than it is to employ someone that was not born in Britain.


What makes you think the people that would want to be nurses are unemployed?


The people that want to train and become to be nurses are suitable for the role.


I'd like you to back some of this up with anything other than opinion.

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I'd like you to back some of this up with anything other than opinion.


No counter argument then and feel free to back up your claims.



Up to 80,000 British students each year cannot find places on nursing courses even though the NHS is hiring thousands from abroad.




But you will simply dismiss this and claim they were turned down because they are British, so must be thick and lazy.

Edited by anfisa
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There are enough educated British people wanting to train as nurses but the places are not available and yes to me it is far more important to train and employ the British than it is to employ someone that was not born in Britain.


What makes you think the people that would want to be nurses are unemployed?


The people that want to train and become nurses are suitable for the role.


You cannot train everybody who wants to and has the ability to be a nurse. Even if we had the finds, which we don't, we don't have the facilities to train that many nurses.

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You do realise that things that cost... add to the economy?


I don't believe your figure for one second without any VALID back-up by the way, so looking forward to you scrambling around to provide a source more valid than Migration Watch or the Daily Fail.




What a load of nonsense. Yeah all those cash in hand migrant workers, criminal gangs and health tourists are adding to the economy :loopy: The EU even have the cheek to tax us on the hookers and drug dealers they are sending over. Im sure these folks all fill out full tax returns on their incomes


You are sheffield forums answer to Nick Clegg :loopy:


University College London deliberately underestimated to costs and fudged the study because it was EU funded but you can google this yourself


£120 billion not including many large costs to the UK taxpayer


---------- Post added 27-01-2015 at 21:54 ----------


I'd like you to back some of this up with anything other than opinion.


You don't seem to extend this standard to your own points

Edited by onenerveleft
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You cannot train everybody who wants to and has the ability to be a nurse. Even if we had the finds, which we don't, we don't have the facilities to train that many nurses.


With good planning we can afford to train enough British people to be nurses, employing foreign nurses is a short term expensive fix. The young people we have are ready to train, well educated, motivated but left on side lines in favor of an immigrant workforce.

Edited by anfisa
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Let me give you a clue:


Average wage in China: 4755 $ (CNN, 2014)

Average wage in India: 1570$ (Wikipedia, 2013)


Average wage in UK: £26,500 (Mirror, 2014)


Knock yourself out thinking about what that actually means for the UK.


PS: Stop bringing vibrancy into it, that is just you being silly


Now go back and get the figured for the past 17 years and note the trend.


Here is another one you can do. Compare uk debt by year to migration by year and you will see they relate nicely.


Even your blinkers can't prevent you spotting the trend


---------- Post added 27-01-2015 at 21:58 ----------


With good planning we can afford to train enough British people to be nurses, employing foreign nurses is a short term expensive fix.


And many of them can't even speak english.


We spend well over £100 million on translation services every year - another cost that wasn't included in the ECL study

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And many of them can't even speak english.


We spend well over £100 million on translation services every year - another cost that wasn't included in the ECL study


They did not include many of the negative costs that are associated with immigration. The problem is that the NHS look to save money, but they do not have to consider the extra costs that other government departments have to pay as a consequence of their saving. Government looks at lots of independent little pictures and sees them all as separate entities instead of one big picture.

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No counter argument then and feel free to back up your claims.



Up to 80,000 British students each year cannot find places on nursing courses even though the NHS is hiring thousands from abroad.




But you will simply dismiss this and claim they were turned down because they are British, so must be thick and lazy.


Give me a source.

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They did not include many of the negative costs that are associated with immigration. The problem is that the NHS look to save money, but they do not have to consider the extra costs that other government departments have to pay as a consequence of their saving. Government looks at lots of independent little pictures and sees them all as separate entities instead of one big picture.


Good post.


The NHS drives me mad. Especially the windfall redundancy payments and rehiring of a huge layer of management. Then you have the same people harassing any honest employees who blow the whistle on waste, fraud and bad practice.

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What a load of nonsense. Yeah all those cash in hand migrant workers, criminal gangs and health tourists are adding to the economy :loopy: The EU even have the cheek to tax us on the hookers and drug dealers they are sending over. Im sure these folks all fill out full tax returns on their incomes


You are sheffield forums answer to Nick Clegg :loopy:


University College London deliberately underestimated to costs and fudged the study because it was EU funded but you can google this yourself


£120 billion not including many large costs to the UK taxpayer


---------- Post added 27-01-2015 at 21:54 ----------



You don't seem to extend this standard to your own points


I am still looking for your source, when you provide it, I will give you an explanation of why it is rubbish.


As far as my own sources are concerned, I don't need any as long as you nationalist brown-nosers keep coming up with nonsense statements. It is like taking candy of babies.

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