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What a joke of a sentence for killing a child


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Someone I know is serving 5years for being caught in possession of a taser gun. Do not understand how the moron who killed a child should get minimum of 10 yrs .


A taser is classed as a firearm and some can also kill.....

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Taking someones life when in control, or in this case not, of a lethal weapon? Driving a car when off your face should be the same as having a loaded gun?


So drink driving should be as bad as carrying a firearm in the eyes of the law? I hate drink driving but I wouldnt go that far.

Murder requires intent to kill.

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So drink driving should be as bad as carrying a firearm in the eyes of the law? I hate drink driving but I wouldnt go that far.

Murder requires intent to kill.


Yes if you take control of a vehicle and then kill someone, what would you think if it was your child?

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I agree with most of the sentiments here. It is a despicable, reckless, thoughtless and selfish act committed by a total waster! He committed the worst act ever done by driving a vehicle.

He knew that he had no license, no insurance, no idea of the consequences of driving like an idiot and above all no scruples about knocking down and costing the young life of an innocent girl, and then to drive off and leave her in the road hoping that he would get away with it. In my mind the sentence is too lenient as he will probably serve half of it.

Is that the price of what he has done? I don't think so.


My condolences to Jasmyn's family.

Edited by yorky15
spelling error
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Yes if you take control of a vehicle and then kill someone, what would you think if it was your child?


I wouldn't think it was murder. Also, if it were my daughter I wouldn't be in a good position to judge the situation.


If drink driving carried a mandatory prison sentence like carrying a firearm then many, many, many people would be in prison

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I wouldn't think it was murder. Also, if it were my daughter I wouldn't be in a good position to judge the situation.


If drink driving carried a mandatory prison sentence like carrying a firearm then many, many, many people would be in prison


And so they should be if they recklessly take someones life why should they be dealt more leniently than someone with a gun. He made the choice to get behind the wheel when he knew he was not allowed on the road

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What would you call it then? He was in control of a lethal weapon which he had no right to drive as he had no licence or insurance, he was doing over double the speed limit even after he braked and was off his face - accident? Bah humbug.


NOT murder. Your emotional outburst has no effect on anything and just because the driver killed the girl it dont mean he murdered her. Unless it was a deliberate targeted hit and i dont think young Jasmine hung around in those sort of circles.

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