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What a joke of a sentence for killing a child


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Absolute joke the sentence,supposed to have the best justice system in the world???????


my bold=

It is one of the best justice systems in the world, if it listened to knee jerk public opinions on what the sentence should have been and implemented them it wouldn't be a good justice system at all.

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An accident I heard once can be simplistically explained as a catalogue of errors. Having no driving licence is not an error, having no insurance is not an error, taking drugs and driving is not an error but another selfish act. To me this was no accident as he must have known the potential risk for accident was considerable but yet he selfishly got in a car, and who's car was it? There is a third party in this that has not been found yet.


This is an arrogant, uncaring, uncivilised, remorseless individual who has no respect for anyone and treated the road as a playground. To top this, the coward sped off after hitting the poor girl to get away from taking responsibilty for his actions.


What can be done to turn this person around into someone fit for living in our society in a few years? I would pay to make sure this person does not walk the streets again. He has said himself that he is no good.

Edited by ihpb
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Your idea of an accident is wrong. For the death not to be an accident he would have had to kill her on purpose. Just back down and admit you reacted in a knee jerk manner. People are laughing at you.


Who might that be then? Not that i'm bothered because your opinion is only the same as mine AN OPINION..

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Accident according to Collins dictionary:- an unforeseen event or one without an apparent cause. He intentionally got in car, drove at high speed, was on drugs and had he stayed at home then that young girl would still be alive. There was a cause, his unlawful actions


You've distorted Collins' definition there. It actually says;


1 an unforeseen event or one without an apparent cause

2.anything that occurs unintentionally or by chance; chance; fortune ⇒ I met him by accident

3.a misfortune or mishap, esp one causing injury or death




Take another example. Someone gets drunk and on the way home falls into a river and drowns. That wouldn't be suicide but an accident. The intention isn't to do with the getting drunk but the death.


In the Jasmyn case the relevant intention wasn't to get in the car or drive at speed but to do with the death. Was the killing intentional? No. Therefore it was an accident no matter how much you distort the facts.


---------- Post added 01-02-2015 at 20:22 ----------


cant for the life of me understand why ppl look to excuse what has been done.i hope he suffers everyday of his life.


What you can't understand is the relevant law that has been broken.

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The point is he should not have been in the car when he wasn't legally allowed to do so. The getting in and driving was a deliberate act and so was the speeding. If he had been doing 30 the likelihood is he would not have been in the same space at the same time as Jasmyn and a lesser speed might have caused less serious consequences if he had been. Even if it wasn't murder it certainly was not an accident either

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The point is he should not have been in the car when he wasn't legally allowed to do so. The getting in and driving was a deliberate act and so was the speeding. If he had been doing 30 the likelihood is he would not have been in the same space at the same time as Jasmyn and a lesser speed might have caused less serious consequences if he had been. Even if it wasn't murder it certainly was not an accident either


The real point is what the laws says. If the law says it wasn't murder then it wasn't murder. Everything else is people just having a moan.

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