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Hardstyle/Hardcore Gabber


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The gabber scene isn't particularly big in the UK unfortunately. What is there seems to be more Happy Hardcore than the proper stuff.


I know that Angerfist goes to Bristol quite often for gigs so presumably there is a scene there, I have also been surprised a few times in the Corp in the upstairs room where some Gabber was played as part of an industrial EDM set.

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Great clip Solomon, good find :)


Recently I drove somewhere with some fellas who'd never heard of it, so I turned up the volume in the car and they were.. shocked and made me promise not to play it ever again (we frequently travel together).


The music is really rather aggressive, especially some of the lyrics, but the sense of community in this scene is absolutely spot on. I grew up in the heyday of Gabber in the Netherlands (Gabber is Dutch for mate) and despite the immense negative press it got (they are all druggies, skinheads, racists etc.) the reality was miles away from that. The houseparties I went to were the most close-knit and fun events I've ever attended.

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My mates,my brother,my parents force me to do not listen to this kind of music but I do and will allways do.Gabber it is not only listening to music,it is lifestyle...And NO!Gabbers are nkt racists as everyone thinks,we are skinheads..No,we are not skinheads

It is the best feeling,when you in the club with your mates listening to Good producer/DJ(Partyraiser,Neophyte),you just dont think,you just dancing and enjoying life...PEACE...

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Great clip Solomon, good find :)


Thanks :)


The music is really rather aggressive, especially some of the lyrics, but the sense of community in this scene is absolutely spot on


Like metal, rock, dubstep. The aggression is all being expressed via dance. Allows everyone to be nice to each other :nod:


you just dont think,you just dancing and enjoying life...PEACE...


Totally hearing that :love:

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