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Katie price and taxpayer funded travel costs

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Agree. Although we all can't stand the woman, she can't be blamed for the system, which is designed to assist all children, regardless.


Isn't it the same with the winter fuel allowance and free TV licence for all pensioners, whether they're poor or millionaires who don't need it?

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Most benefits are means tested and this to me appears to be just another benefit which should be means tested. It is an excessive amount of money to spend on one person especially when some families are struggling to survive and relying on food banks.

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she pays her taxes and probably a hell of a lot more than most people so why shouldnt she use a service available to her, it is afterall for her disabled child not a service for herself, she did actually try to get funding for a school for children like harvey closer to her home and it was refused, it isnt her fault that the closest place suitable for him is 50 miles away and 100 mile round trip, she is a mother getting what is best for her child......i think we would all try to do the same in that situation, i think this is a very different situation from the usual story of people milking the system when they shoudlnt be entitled to that usually hits the headlines , just my opinion though, iv no problem at all with her using a service available for her child

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If it's available, there is no reason why she shouldn't take advantage of the system. If the system is wrong, then perhaps that is the problem.

She can afford a private school - perhaps she should be made to pay for the education? No

She can afford private healthcare - perhaps she shouldn't be a burden on the NHS? No

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Is it any worse than this?




Although I'm not sure how a taxi would cost her £1000 a day..


from the Katie Price article


"However Price – also known as Jordan – defended her actions, claiming the car could cost her up to £1,000 a day."

Edited by truman
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Katie Price should receive an award as a tax raiser! Her Tax bill over the years must be enormous.Millions pay no tax at all and others very little at the side of her.

She just happens to be in the enviable position that lots of daft barstewards who love big breasts have put her in.

She pays presumably nearly 50% of her earnings in tax which is good for the country,and will still be left with a fortune..................all down to false boobs! no wonder it is such a "growth" industry!

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