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Sylvester Stallone at City Hall


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I passed through Barkers Pool tonight and was astonished to see hundreds of people queueing up to (presumably) go to this.


Firstly, I thought how odd that anyone would pay 50 or 60 quid to hear that bloke mumble for an hour or so.


Secondly, why the massive queues? Had no-one bought a ticket in advance? I've never seen such a queue for any other event at the City Hall. Why such chaos?


Thirdly, if you went, please tell us all what it was like and whether it was worth the money.

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It was great, I really enjoyed it, despite the presence of Mike Read who I can't stand. The queues were just a side-effect of so many people getting into the venue, I think it was pretty much sold out & we had to queue despite having tickets. There was also a pro-Palestinian demonstration going on, I'm not sure quite what that was about but I presume Sly must have done something that's upset some people. Anyway, he didn't mumble but he did mention his mum and her rumpology, I wondered if that might be taboo. There was a Q&A with the audience which was the best bit although nobody asked about cosmetic treatments or steroids which would have been interesting topics (I didn't have the balls to that's for sure).


I thought he came across as being wise, witty and surprisingly grounded, quite the raconteur with some great anecdotes. Worth the money for me :)

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