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Why do woman have more mental health issues?

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Firstly, when you refer to 'more mental health issues', what exactly do you mean? That they have more mental health issues than men? That they have more mental health issues than physical health issues? Or does the 'more' refer to something else completely?


Assuming, and I am only assuming, that you are suggesting that women experience more mental health issues than men: is that actually true? It may be; it may not. Do you have any evidence to support your assertion?


Thirdly, I don't think it's a case of blame. Mental health issues arise as a result of a myriad of factors: searching for someone to blame would appear fruitless. Time would be better spent supporting those with mental health issues.


S x

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I'm interested in this thread. I did hear from somewhere that mental health issues are found more in ethnic minorities etc don't know about the gender thing


Gender is correlated with the prevalence of certain mental disorders, including depression, anxiety and somatic complaints. Major depression is twice as common in women.


I suffer from anxiety/stress myself, just curious.



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I'm interested in this thread. I did hear from somewhere that mental health issues are found more in ethnic minorities etc don't know about the gender thing


From what I gather, the experience of being vulnerable in an alien culture where you don't understand the language can be incredibly stressful, and stress is a major precipitator of mental health difficulties.

That can apply to any nationality or any race. Clearly if you've come from a background where you've seen your family murdered and your community destroyed, the likelihood of trauma is greater.

With regards to gender issues I'm not so sure. Clearly post natal depression or psychosis is an issue that women face, but men don't.

I have heard that women are 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than men, but more men actually kill themselves than women due to difference in suicide method used.

In general women are more likely to talk to their friends and doctor about their mental health issues than men. This is cultural - men are encouraged to keep a stiff upper lip, and women are encouraged to share their feelings....Hopefully we can encourage more men to be open.

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I'm interested in this thread. I did hear from somewhere that mental health issues are found more in ethnic minorities etc don't know about the gender thing


Jude Law, where woman are able to check on their new boyfriends with the police.

I was wondering if there wa a law allowing males to check up on their female girlfriends ;)


Are there no females unable to let go?

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