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Why do woman have more mental health issues?

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Elephants have bigger brains than men...


Evidence? And by the way that's quite a rude term to describe women.


Doesn't mean that they're smarter.


Depends what they wear obviously :cool:


And it most definitely has no correlation with mental illness.

Again, evidence?, you cannot prove that.

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Evidence? And by the way that's quite a rude term to describe women.




Do you want evidence that tree's live longer than daffodils and that rocks are harder than margarine?


Again, evidence?, you cannot prove that.


Well, it's your assertion and I've simply denied that it's correct. So you prove that you were right in the first place. This one I'll be really looking forwards to.

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  • 2 weeks later...
And what Russell has to say about it...


After just viewing your link I've decided I really quite like Russell Brand.


That dig at the US media was spot on, and the bit at the end where he impersonates Martin Luther King to get across the message was priceless.:hihi:


"I have a dream that all actresses will always look the same."

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