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British fighters in foreign lands

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Not the whole Syrian/Iraq/ISIS thing, that's sooooooo last year.


Watched Ross kemp in the Ukraine where he met some rather racist right wing nationalists fighting "little green men" or russian soldiers, separatists whatever you want to call them. He also chatted to some eloquent but slightly scary Scandinavians keen on sticking it to Putin.


Question is, do we have any right wing, possibly ex forces out there and should we arrest them when they get back? We didn't when we had some in Kosovo but the world has changed a bit since then.

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On what grounds would you arrest them? For being right wing? Most of the Brits who fought in the Spanish Civil War were Communists, would you have arrested them as well.?


The British Government were very interested in the British people who fought in the Spanish Civil War, MI5 kept a watch on them up to 1950's.


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Good question, they should be treated in the same manner but something tells me they won't be.


They might not necessarily have gone there as volunteer fighters though. The concept of mercenaries is still very much alive - these people are believed to employ hundreds of ex-servicemen, especially those that made it into the SAS and so on.


G4S took over a mercenary company with at least 9500 fully trained mercs.

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If you want to start arresting returning fighters then start with the IS and Al Qaeda element.


A fair guess that the returning "right wing" fighters from Ukraine wont resort to suicide bombings and mass shootings


Some might. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik


Others might bomb places. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombing


Terrorism is not exclusive to Islamists. And if ross kemp is to believed if any did go Ukraine they'd by well trained. I hoping there aren't any out there.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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I remember reading a few months ago that we have ex-forces people fighting against ISA for the Kurds, as well as European biker gangs going to Syria for a ruck against ISA?




Here's the link, and it seems that the Kurds are recruiting for their fight against ISA.

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