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Tony Blair's 'Involvement with Rwanda must remain secret'

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On the front page of today's Times there is an article headlined Censored: Blair's links with Rwanda.


The first paragraph reads ' The activities of Tony Blair within one of the world's most feared regimes must remain secret because he is a "former Prime Minister".


The Government are refusing to release information on his activities regarding involvement with this country.


Cards on the table, I regard all politicians with an equal amount of skepticism, my dislike and mistrust of Thatcher being equal to my dislike and mistrust of Blair.


What I find somewhat weird about this situation is that according to the Times it is the first time that Britain has 'granted constitutional status to a former Premier'.


Now I may be looking at this from the wrong angle but it seems to me that a former Premier ought to be under at least the same constraints over their actions as the rest of us, if not more.


After all, former Prime Ministers have their names inextricable linked with the country forevermore, shouldn't they be expected to behave in a way that will not embarrass the country?


Moreover, they are on a very generous pension paid from the public purse.




Tony Blair has made multi millions since leaving office, good luck to him, we would probably all do the same given the opportunity, but shouldn't there be some rules as to how he, or any other ex PM behaves in order to try not to embarrass the the office and the country?


Not the first time Blair has been involved in secrecy. He issued a D notice over the Dunblain shootings for some reason.

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Not the first time Blair has been involved in secrecy. He issued a D notice over the Dunblain shootings for some reason.


There was no D-Notice issued (no national security issues)




and the decision not to make all the inquiry material public wasn't taken by Blair.




Other than that, cool story bro' :cool:

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