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Why is general discussions, no longer general discussions?

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There needs to be a consensus of at least 3 moderators before a thread is moderated IMO. And moderators should be selected from a wide range of political and social opinions, not just the Guardian liberal left as seems to be the case at the moment


If it was a paid job, then maybe...


But as it's voluntary...that would pretty difficult to action HH.


Your idea is nice though :)


But can just imagine what a car crash pile up of armageddon could ensue, in the half hour it took for a mod committee to decide whether or not to intervene :hihi:

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There needs to be a consensus of at least 3 moderators before a thread is moderated IMO. And moderators should be selected from a wide range of political and social opinions, not just the Guardian liberal left as seems to be the case at the moment.


I'm sure Mr Jeffrey UKip shaw is thrilled to be called a member of the guardian liberal left.

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If it was a paid job, then maybe...


But as it's voluntary...that would pretty difficult to action HH.


Your idea is nice though :)


But can just imagine what a car crash pile up of armageddon could ensue, in the half hour it took for a mod committee to decide whether or not to intervene :hihi:


I've been a mod on forums where, unless it's an obvious bit of spamming or something truly awful, major decisions on big threads were discussed before they were pulled. That might happen here as well.


Members who had their posts pulled were told why - although I can appreciate that on forum this size that might not be doable. Whether you get that with a ban I don't know - never had one. New mods were taken on board on a regular basis too.

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thats the problem. admin now are voluntry. a admin who got nowhere in life is misusing her admin power and delete/ban anyone who she disagree with.

as i said before any thread deleted should have all post remove an reason why it was deleted. i am sure mist people would prefer it this wau

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thats the problem. admin now are voluntry. a admin who got nowhere in life is misusing her admin power and delete/ban anyone who she disagree with


Agreed that there are power abuses in operation on here. Better than last year, but quite overt and everyone knows about it :hihi:


as i said before any thread deleted should have all post remove an reason why it was deleted. i am sure mist people would prefer it this wau


Agreed that more dialogue would indeed be helpful


Many people have felt victimised and bullied because of this lack of information


Also, there did used to be a fair amount of doughnuts who would deliberately start nonsense threads that they knew would get deleted - which is a waste of everybody's time


---------- Post added 30-01-2015 at 23:37 ----------


I am a Conservative left winger. Although I disagree with most lefties on many things I do believe in most of what they believe in in spirit if not in practice. But I have no time for "progressivism" or "internationalism" or any of that crap


Which is why you could never be a mod dude :)


Mods need to be socially responsible, fair-minded and compassionate towards all


I would not trust that of you, being a conservative


Conservatives, by definition are selfish, fascists :nod:

Edited by Solomon1
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In answer to the various points made:


1) The same forum rules apply now as have been applied for the last decade, and they have been applied for the last decade by a moderating team chosen from as wide a background as we can find who can consistently stay within forum rules. For the whole of this time the mod and admin team have been volunteers.


2) No threads are removed if they don't break forum rules. The mod team have rules to follow and they cannot just remove things with which they disagree. If we could then there are dozens of threads that I'd have removed over the years.


3) In the vast majority of cases the moderating team do work as a consensus, as do the admin team. Everybody has different views and different ways of handling things, but that doesn't mean that we don't consult each other to agree a course of action.


4) As a privately owned small forum without the back up of a large owning company to pay the bills we have no choice but to take some decisions based upon the risk of legal proceedings being issued as a result of things which are posted on the forum. We make no apology for this, it is just a fact of life in the 21st century.


5) I am not prepared to allow posts attacking the moderating and admin team. There is no right to a forum account as this is a privately owned forum, and the fastest way to lose your account is to start personal attacks.


Now, this thread has had some answers, and I suggest that you move on and post elsewhere without breaking forum rules or turning threads into a hate fest for the mod and admin teams :)

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