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Has Capitalism reached it's peak??

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its capitalism and right wing governments that have given you the wealth you now enjoy. like the free healthcare the education the relatively safe country, the TVs iPhones xboxes cars heated houses. and so much more. look at the poverty in the socialist countries. think of ourselves as lucky we don't live under far left rule.


You really believe Capitalism would stand for or invent 'free' health care?

It was a huge socialist ideal of the 30's to 60's that got us the NHS we have.

It's capitalist ideals that have slowly been invading it since.


The misery of war was the catalyst for the nhs, Dawson was a liberal, Bevan was a socialist. Thatcher didn't really harm it but Blair certainly did, neither were socialist, but both were capitalist.

Capitalism needs a decent measure of socialism to succeed

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You really believe Capitalism would stand for or invent 'free' health care?


Capitalism prefers to give you free childcare; whilst you go out to work, and then when your children become a problem due to poor parenting, they blame who?

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Capitalism prefers to give you free childcare; whilst you go out to work, and then when your children become a problem due to poor parenting, they blame who?


Capitalism doesn't care how you care for your children. It'd prefer it if you didn't have any. The little things only get in the way of making money!

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its capitalism and right wing governments that have given you the wealth you now enjoy.

You've taken half the dialogue and called it the full story. You're trolling. :)


Equally, it was the fight of "the left" that took children out of factories and put them into school, and allowed us to rest for two days at the weekend.

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Genuine questions Bonzo 'cos I don't know the answers.what was healthcare like in Soviet Russia in the 50's? Was there any wealth there?


I don't know either, but nationalised health systems do tend to come about due to left wing parties being in power. Communist countries have had them in the past, I know China did.

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Do you think it's all over for the current system? Has Capitalism finally reached the point of no return and began devouring it's self?


Banks have reached the point where they're deliberately squeezing every last drop from us, in the form of debt. Then the top 1%, or more correctly, top 0.1%, are the only real beneficiaries.


Land and buildings are being purchased by the mega rich, and rented to the mega rich.


There's massive investment into precious metals, pawn brokers, gambling and online gaming sites, cheap supermarkets, payday lenders......


is there any other methods left for making us in debt to the rich? What's going to happen when they finally take everything from us? Or, will the pitch forks come out before that happens?


I hope so. Time to eat the rich :D

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It's laughable that people still think that the government are capitalists, capitalism died when the phrase 'To Big To Fail' was coined.


What we have is cronyism and corruption, and what's more you keep voting for more.


Crapitalism and fuedalism is what we have.

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Genuine questions Bonzo 'cos I don't know the answers.what was healthcare like in Soviet Russia in the 50's? Was there any wealth there?


I don't know either, but nationalised health systems do tend to come about due to left wing parties being in power. Communist countries have had them in the past, I know China did.


I know the answer to this. The Soviet Union couldn't match the West in terms of consumer goods such as cars etc. But it did prioritise top quality, free healthcare and education for all, and subsidised housing for all who needed it. Many people on the rough end of the capitalist stick now must be looking back on that period with some regret.

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