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School trips and cost

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You are joking right? The specialist instruction has already been paid for in the teachers salary, and accomodation etc and food will cost nowhere near that for a large group outing.


If it is a residential centre, they will have their own specialist staff as well as having their own equipment to maintain. Add on food, transport, insurance etc etc. £55 is pretty cheap really.


As others have said, these trips are almost always trailed in options information, so if you don't want to go...

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That may be so, but taking GCSEs and going to school are not optional.


Then they pick a GCSE which involves absolutely no spending whatsoever.


In fact, why do people bother having children at all. They just cost too much money right? Maybe you think the state should pick the up the tab for people who choose to breed.


God sake. £55 is piddle all for a trip with accommodation, travel and meals.


If parents cant afford that for a one off school education trip they have a serious problem. Even more so when the government, which provides all this free education, also gives parents £13-£20 each week in benefit for each child.

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Lol, how much do you think legal advice would cost compared to the trip and to what end?

£55 for interactive educational experience, experience of staying away from home overnight with adult supervision plus a kid free night.

What's not to like?


Is not about money, so the poor will be a grade lower because they can't afford it?

If he can't afford £55, I am sure he can get legal aid. Also it is not just for him, he is standing up for all the poor people .

Edited by Rotherham1
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Is not about money, so the poor will be a grade lower because they can't afford it?

If he can't afford £55, I am sure he can get legal aid. Also it is not just for him, he is standing up for all the poor people .


Legal aid would not be available in this context.


But child benefit is, and this would seem a good use for it.


After all, most parents will spend £55 on a pair of trainers for their child without questioning how essential they are.

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Legal aid would not be available in this context.


But child benefit is, and this would seem a good use for it.


After all, most parents will spend £55 on a pair of trainers for their child without questioning how essential they are.


Are you sure? Or you just trolling?


Not all parent can afford £55 trainers , some family struggle to put food on table or turn heating on. Are you in the right planet or a troll?

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Are you sure?


Not all parent can afford £55 trainers , some family struggle to put food on table or turn heating on
I know that, too. Which is why I said ''most', not 'all'. But I do know what I am talking about and although I appreciate that many families struggle to make ends meet, the majority still have material goods (TVs, mobile phones, etc), which would have been unthinkable two or three generations ago. Stand in a shopping centre and look at the footwear of 15 year olds. Very little of it will have cost less than £50. Look at their mobile phones. Most will have cost more than £100 and many, more than £500. Perhaps that money would have been better put towards educational activities?


Are you in the right planet
:confused: I don't live in a planet. Do you?
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On many such educational visits you have to employ and thus pay the staff at the centre, especially where outdoor work is concerned, in other words, the specialist instruction is not always provided by the group's own teachers. To feed and house a school group, even in a Youth Hostel, works out at approx £25-£00 per child for one night, then there is the cost of transport and insurance.


Schools are not allowed to make a profit from these events.


No, it's not cheap for food and accomodation. As a scout leader I'm probably pretty well up on what it costs, and for a large group in hostels it's £9 a child per night, food for the entire day is £5 and they eat very well on that. I am always amazed at what the schools charge for these events, and have never seen satisfactory figures on just where all this gets spent.

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My daughter brought a letter home from school, that says a £55 overnight trip to the lake district is "vital" because it allows a controlled assessment, that is 25% of a GCSE.

I thought education was free in this country?

Be happy your child is not learning to play an expensive brass instrument. you might have to pay many £000's to buy one. Or should the school buy that too?
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