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School trips and cost

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No, it's not cheap for food and accomodation. As a scout leader I'm probably pretty well up on what it costs, and for a large group in hostels it's £9 a child per night, food for the entire day is £5 and they eat very well on that. I am always amazed at what the schools charge for these events, and have never seen satisfactory figures on just where all this gets spent.


How much would travel cost? I assume that's part of the final amount?

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How much would travel cost? I assume that's part of the final amount?


And covering the teachers' normal work in school. And paying for the staff at the centre.

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When I worked in schoo a few years agol, the law said that school trips couldn't be charged for, so schools asked for 'contributions' of X amount. Not all parents were able to contribute the full amount so this was covered by school funds, but if not enough parents contributed, sometimes the trip had to be cancelled.


Has this changed?

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When I worked in schoo a few years agol, the law said that school trips couldn't be charged for, so schools asked for 'contributions' of X amount. Not all parents were able to contribute the full amount so this was covered by school funds, but if not enough parents contributed, sometimes the trip had to be cancelled.


Has this changed?


According to this



They can charge for board and lodging and transport by the looks of it..

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Which as noted above shouldnt be anywhere near £55 for a single night.


DUnno..I suppose it depends what they are staying in and what transport they are using...have a look at the link I posted ..there are other things that can be charged for as well..

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If it's for GCSE assessment then it's part of the curriculum I expect and the education costs shouldnt be chargeable. It comes down to transport, board and lodging - at very most I'd expect that to hit £25, perhaps £30 if they had a very nice coach.


I've always thought that people should be questioning school trips as they always have seemed expensive, and when certain parents of my scouts have asked questions and wanted the costs justifying the school trip prices fell, quite markedly and there was no noticable change for the worse or better, in the quality or experience of the trips...

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If it's for GCSE assessment then it's part of the curriculum I expect and the education costs shouldnt be chargeable. It comes down to transport, board and lodging - at very most I'd expect that to hit £25, perhaps £30 if they had a very nice coach.


I've always thought that people should be questioning school trips as they always have seemed expensive, and when certain parents of my scouts have asked questions and wanted the costs justifying the school trip prices fell, quite markedly and there was no noticable change for the worse or better, in the quality or experience of the trips...


Yep,the only way to find out exactly what's being charged for is to ask...

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Then they pick a GCSE which involves absolutely no spending whatsoever.


In fact, why do people bother having children at all. They just cost too much money right? Maybe you think the state should pick the up the tab for people who choose to breed.


God sake. £55 is piddle all for a trip with accommodation, travel and meals.


If parents cant afford that for a one off school education trip they have a serious problem. Even more so when the government, which provides all this free education, also gives parents £13-£20 each week in benefit for each child.

The poor people have kids so they can get a house and move out

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