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The human brain

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I was just sat trying to add my tax return up the other day,maths and spelling are definitely not my best subjects, yet I can strip and rebuild any engine weld and repair just about anything electrical and mechanical.on the other hand my daughters bloke who has no skills is useless at everything mechanical cant drive can't even use a tool properly to do the least DIY job in the house can add up in his head faster than I can punch the keys on a calculator and spell out accurately the longest letters you can think of, the only thing he is interested in is horse racing. I was just sat looking at him and thinking what a waste of space he is and what ever my daughter sees in him I don't understand,seems so strange that the human brain is so diverse....

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I was just sat trying to add my tax return up the other day,maths and spelling are definitely not my best subjects, yet I can strip and rebuild any engine weld and repair just about anything electrical and mechanical.on the other hand my daughters bloke who has no skills is useless at everything mechanical cant drive can't even use a tool properly to do the least DIY job in the house can add up in his head faster than I can punch the keys on a calculator and spell out accurately the longest letters you can think of, the only thing he is interested in is horse racing. I was just sat looking at him and thinking what a waste of space he is and what ever my daughter sees in him I don't understand,seems so strange that the human brain is so diverse....


Wow you sound such a nice person. You must simpy have tons of friends beating a path to your door. Glad to hear your daughters bloke is nothing like you

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I was just sat trying to add my tax return up the other day,maths and spelling are definitely not my best subjects, yet I can strip and rebuild any engine weld and repair just about anything electrical and mechanical.on the other hand my daughters bloke who has no skills is useless at everything mechanical cant drive can't even use a tool properly to do the least DIY job in the house can add up in his head faster than I can punch the keys on a calculator and spell out accurately the longest letters you can think of, the only thing he is interested in is horse racing. I was just sat looking at him and thinking what a waste of space he is and what ever my daughter sees in him I don't understand,seems so strange that the human brain is so diverse....


You may think he is a waste of space (offensive man), however he has still done unthinkable things to your daughter. He wins.

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In education it is considered that there are 5 different types of intelligence, each one equally important. (Can't remember what they are now, no doubt a teacher can fill in that gap.)

Teacher's try to include elements of each type of learning in their lessons to reach the maximum number of pupils with maximum effect.


It wouldn't do if we were all the same, but working together we can achieve great things.

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