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Man spotted taking photos of children graves park


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Why point it at my child? Have you been up there?

By all means take photos but not of children!!!


Did you ask him to return your child's soul?

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As a professional photographer I would always ask permission before taking pictures of kids, even at the weddings and events I cover and give the parents a card so they can have a copy of the pictures.

But the type of kit I have people can blatantly see what Im doing.


In a public place no one has the right to see what you have on your camera, even the police without suspician of a crime being committed. They cannot confiscate the camera or ask for items to be deleted without a court order. It would be impossible if it was a film camera to preview the pictures.


There is a great over reaction these days about people with cameras, when a smart phone with a bluetooth lens can be used more subversivey,


The guy probably did take pictures of the kids playing in the snow, which always make great scenes, he handled it badly and probably run off to protect his kit and almost certainly his face.


I remember vaguely doing a photography assignment where we had to take a picture of a park. I took a sterile shot of an empty park (was and still am crap with a camera - didn't see the course out!) and the reason my tutor said it was rubbish was it had no people in it - no interest.


I have no idea how he'd advise us now.

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Also keep an eye out on people using their phones near children. They might not be actually making a phone call but filming them.


Watch out for hidden cameras on their person too, although this is harder to check. Frisk EVERYONE who is within 5, no 10 metres away. Can't be too careful. ...

A more sensible idea would to divert police funding to provide for an officer at every park gate to confiscate phones and cameras from every lone male who wants to enter a park. Actually, no, better make that from anyone, male or female. Better still, ban anyone not accompanied by a child from entering a public park (or, even better, a public place - can't be too careful!)

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A more sensible idea would to divert police funding to provide for an officer at every park gate to confiscate phones and cameras from every lone male who wants to enter a park. Actually, no, better make that from anyone, male or female. Better still, ban anyone not accompanied by a child from entering a public park (or, even better, a public place - can't be too careful!)


You jest, but I think some parks in the states are for kids and parents only (this is based on an SVU episode so might not be completely accurate).

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The o/p has thrown a few toys out the pram on this thread, so I can image the poor camera guy probably was thinking and poohing himself,

oi you! let me have it you pedophile.


and then just did a runner.


Only have the o/p side and as he has reported it to the police, I can't see much point scaremongering that everyone's with a camera near a child is or will be a Paedophile, when it'll be more likely a family member or friend.

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Cont believe wot I have just read well its wrong takeing photos other people kids out of order I got 2kids and i would not be happy takeing photos of my kids y wud u its sick in my eye but that's just me


If the only possible use use you can think of for a photo is one that you describe as "sick" then i really think you are the sick one

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I'm surprised these photographers didn't get beaten to death with a shovel. Oh, wait a minute, that might be because the photos were taken before the media tried to convince everyone that paedophiles lurk on every corner and everyone with a camera aimed at a group of children playing happily has nefarious intent.
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