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Spirits vs Beers Which Is Better For You?

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Just an uninformed guess but I would think that as the ale alcohol content is diluted by water, the higher concentrate of spirits would do more harm.

But you'd have to be more specific and scientific in your question to have a meaningful comparison.

ie, three bottles of Speckled Hen vs one double Smirnoff vodka.

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I would expect that the higher concentration of alcohol in spirits is more likely to trigger oral and throat cancers than beer. In terms of other damage, as long as you drink the same amount of alcohol I would suspect that there is little between them.

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I would expect that the higher concentration of alcohol in spirits is more likely to trigger oral and throat cancers than beer. In terms of other damage, as long as you drink the same amount of alcohol I would suspect that there is little between them.


That would depend on whether drank neat or with a mixer. Other than that I would say the main difference is going to be the calorie content, with beer being far higher, unless of course your mixer of choice is Coke (non diet) or full fat milk (or cream) and kahlua.



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Which is better for you?

I had an Uncle discovered he had a heart problem and he asked the Dr if this was the end to his whisky drinking. Answer - Not a problem but dilute the whisky x 4 .


Some alcohol, in both senses of the word, is good for you.


What is the ideal type of alcohol? Does which one matter?

How much is the ideal volume/strength to ingest?


Is there anything better than a glass of Red wine a day?

Would non-alcoholic RED wine do the same job?

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After a bad fall on the Moor (Iv got bad mobility ) and ending up with deep cuts to my hands was taken to A&E at Northern General and was asked about lifestyle like diet and how much I drank (no I was not drunk at the time of my fall) I mentioned I like to drink whisky now and again . The doctor told me I would be better off giving up Whisky for real ale she also mentioned drinks called Bomb's a mix of spirits I think, and said more young people were drinking that and liver disease is on the up as a result of it.

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If you don’t find the definitive answer to your question, it may help you to know that for men the recommended amount of alcohol is just 21 units per week (spread out over the week not binged). One unit is a measure of spirits or half a pint of normal strength beer. The weekly "allowance" is not a lot.

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