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Spirits vs Beers Which Is Better For You?

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That would depend on whether drank neat or with a mixer. Other than that I would say the main difference is going to be the calorie content, with beer being far higher, unless of course your mixer of choice is Coke (non diet) or full fat milk (or cream) and kahlua.




Well quite, although I suppose it depends on how much of a mixer you have...


Since all the calories in beer and whiskey come from alcohol, if you have the same number of units in each I think they will be the same calories in each as well.


---------- Post added 03-02-2015 at 00:56 ----------


If you don’t find the definitive answer to your question, it may help you to know that for men the recommended amount of alcohol is just 21 units per week (spread out over the week not binged). One unit is a measure of spirits or half a pint of normal strength beer. The weekly "allowance" is not a lot.


That's three shots of whisky a night how much does a man need? It'd be a rare night I had more than that, and I dont think I've ever had more than 15 units a week.


Yes I'm a boring old fart I suppose but I never understood the "lets get so drunk we cannot remember our name, or were the loo is" mentality...

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