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Mum of eight "forced" to work

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I know they are the exception to the rule but why do the left seem to defend people who sponge off the state.




This is one such example I can find many more just googling this one brought up 5 others on the first page of google,


I dont understand how people defend the welfare system when this is allowed to happen. Yes she is being forced to work but there are many other that are not.


Then you have those that are "on the sick" who cannot be bothered and then blame Atos when their benefits are stopped.


It just makes me sick. I have a couple of friends who worked and had cancer. Thankfully they have recovered now but they always came to work with a smile and gave great customer service. They never once moaned or complained and this is a testament to their character. Yet others just say they are "depressed" and have days and days off work. Its disgusting.

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Seems like everybody is at it.


I'm not a big fan of benefit culture. I do wonder why you've chosen to rail at the poor though, when the rich are even worse.


Um because this thread is about the idle and feckless sponging of those of us who are hard-working and pay a lot of taxes. Being unemployed is bad for the individual, bad for the neighbourhood and bad for the economy as a whole.

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I dont understand how people defend the welfare system.


I dont think its right to leave children that may need a parent, and that parent is working, so unavailablle.

This mother has eight, they need guidance. My view is that the state should have enforce some sort of long term contraception, before there were too many children.

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Pleased do not belittle people with depression. Clinical depression is far more than just feeling down or sad......it affects people in ways which make it high on impossible to function normally and treating it is a long term thing. It is not a case of here take this and you will feel better even anti depressants can take weeks to kick in.

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I dont think its right to leave children that may need a parent, and that parent is working, so unavailablle.

This mother has eight, they need guidance. My view is that the state should have enforce some sort of long term contraception, before there were too many children.


If it's the story I saw in a newspaper at the weekend (I cannot open links at the moment), then, IIRC, she was in a stable relationship with the father of the kids, who was working. It is only recently that they have split up.


If that is the case, then she may not have been some feckless baby making machine. At the time of each conception, they could have been paying their own way.


The article I read didn't say much about the father, just that he was no longer there. He should be being chased up for his financial contribution.


---------- Post added 02-02-2015 at 10:35 ----------


Pleased do not belittle people with depression. Clinical depression is far more than just feeling down or sad......it affects people in ways which make it high on impossible to function normally and treating it is a long term thing. It is not a case of here take this and you will feel better even anti depressants can take weeks to kick in.


I think the earlier poster was specifically picking on people who were claiming to be depressed, not those that actually are.

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Pleased do not belittle people with depression. Clinical depression is far more than just feeling down or sad......it affects people in ways which make it high on impossible to function normally and treating it is a long term thing. It is not a case of here take this and you will feel better even anti depressants can take weeks to kick in.


I think he was belittling people who pretend to have depression just get on the sick. Many people suffer from depression - I have found they best way to deal with is to work, not to sit at home going into an ever deeper spiral.

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If it's the story I saw in a newspaper at the weekend (I cannot open links at the moment), then, IIRC, she was in a stable relationship with the father of the kids, who was working. It is only recently that they have split up.


If that is the case, then she may not have been some feckless baby making machine. At the time of each conception, they could have been paying their own way.


The article I read didn't say much about the father, just that he was no longer there. He should be being chased up for his financial contribution.


---------- Post added 02-02-2015 at 10:35 ----------



I think the earlier poster was specifically picking on people who were claiming to be depressed, not those that actually are.


Yes I was and it infuriates me when it belittles people who are genuinely suffering.

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