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Anyone know of a decent naturopath?

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Funnily enough I was talking about this and blood tests only today with someone and she recommended this place.


Although the website doesn't say much about blood tests, she said that for £50 they will do you a full analysis of what foods you are intolerant to, what foods you can eat but in moderation, and what foods you should concentrate on, if that's what you're after. I am interested in anything that will help with what I think is an immune system problem which I believe can be linked to food allergies. My GP has not got to the bottom of my symptoms either. Hope this - or wherever you go next - works for you.

Edited by MrsMozzy
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Ooh that's exactly what I was interested in as the next step (but wanted to rule out the food intolerances first)! The thyroid/ immune system thing is all linked in my head. I don't know about those specific tests but you could ring. When I asked my GP about paying privately for more in-depth thyroid tests he was very evasive.


Have you seen this site: http://www.thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/? I think they currently have a campaign about the need for better thyroid testing/medication.

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  • 11 months later...

I highly recommend Dr. Tania Tabar, a Naturopathic doctor practising at The Stillpoint Practice in Sheffield. Very competent and was able to do some blood tests for me through a private lab.



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