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Thornbridge Jaipur X - 10% IPA


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There are a growing number of us that want `something different` and that`s great and some places are doing well off the back of this trend. However, most folk want what they know and the price that big supermarkets can sell that booze at (plus the effect of enforced pub co prices) means that too many are happy to sup at home. I`d happily avoid supermarkets all together if I could afford to.


I'm surprised you do still buy from supermarkets at all. Like I said, with the odd exception, there's nothing I want to buy beerwise in a supermarekt these days. I'd rather not drink. I don't drink for the alcohol - just the enjoyment.

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I'm surprised you do still buy from supermarkets at all. Like I said, with the odd exception, there's nothing I want to buy beerwise in a supermarekt these days. I'd rather not drink. I don't drink for the alcohol - just the enjoyment.


I meant that I'd buy nothing (ie food et al) from Supermarkets if I could do that. Booze-wise I shop elsewhere except for the occasional emergency wine.

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