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Islamic State burn Jordanian pilot alive

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I suppose the incentive to fight increases when they arrive on your borders. It did occur to me that there is an awful lot of fire power in that region and if the surrounding states have the will they could come in from all sides. They might even get Israel on board if there were a deal on the table. Perhaps that way when IS had been wiped out there would be a bit of liberated land that could pass muster as a Palestinian home land.


---------- Post added 04-02-2015 at 20:54 ----------



And when they have been rehabilitated they can blow up Marks and Spencers and all who shop there.


I think your missing my point :)

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I see Smarmy Dave Cameron is now trying to push for war against IS on all the hype this has caused, right after he said he wouldn't send in ground troops and right after he wanted to send IS weapons and provide training to them.

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I still find it hard to believe anyone actually thinks otherwise.


Only racist people would think different, 95% islam are law abiding citizen, never do no harm. That's a heck of lot of nice people, and you brush them with the 5% extremes.

Over 10% of people in uk is on benefit, is it ok to said Uk is just full of dole scrungers?

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Only racist people would think different, 95% islam are law abiding citizen, never do no harm. That's a heck of lot of nice people, and you brush them with the 5% extremes.

Over 10% of people in uk is on benefit, is it ok to said Uk is just full of dole scrungers?


Muslim is not a race


Do these benefit claimants have a shared book of ideology?



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I see Smarmy Dave Cameron is now trying to push for war against IS on all the hype this has caused, right after he said he wouldn't send in ground troops and right after he wanted to send IS weapons and provide training to them.


What would "smarmy" Blair do in this situation? (that he caused BTW)

You sound like a backbencher trying to point score,when there clearly is no points to be earned:rolleyes:

People in glass houses eh?:hihi:

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I see Smarmy Dave Cameron is now trying to push for war against IS on all the hype this has caused, right after he said he wouldn't send in ground troops and right after he wanted to send IS weapons and provide training to them.


Where did you see this Mecky?

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I read about this and apparently they had originally planned to impale him by ineserting a hot metal rod in to his rectum which would of slowly killed him over two days. I know its disgusting but its what they wanted to do, apparently it was something the Ottomans done hundreds of years ago

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Firstly, I say: everyone who dies by fire and is a Muslim is one of the martyrs, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “the one who is burned to death is a martyr.”




Death by fire is martyrdom, in ISIS's own twisted way, I think they gave a fellow Sunni redemption in the chance to get to heaven. To them, this was more merciful than beheading.:huh:


or as the jews say/muslims killing muslims ,how can I help?


So he'll get his 72 virgins no I suppose.:o

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