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Islamic State burn Jordanian pilot alive

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The bit about "love thy neighbour as thyself" is particularly evil.


There are similar lessons in the Qu'ran about 'saving mankind' and helping one another etc- forgiveness and overlooking faults.


But you and I both know that lessons and teachings are not always followed..are they Ron?


If the Christian followed the verse above of 'love they neighbour' then how do explain this:


BANGUI, Central African Republic – Tens of thousands of Muslims are fleeing to neighboring countries by plane and truck as Christian militias stage brutal attacks, shattering the social fabric of this war-ravaged nation


In towns and villages as well as here in the capital, Christian vigilantes wielding machetes have killed scores of Muslims, who are a minority here, and burned and looted their houses and mosques in recent days, according to witnesses, aid agencies and peacekeepers. Tens of thousands of Muslims have fled their homes.


If you like graphic images of dead people, here's the link with the rest of the story.




I don't see them as following the teachings of Jesus just as much as I don't see Isis and similar groups following the teachings of Islam or obeying the rules of war which Muhammad gave- not killing women & children, not harming property, non harming non combats, not uprooting trees and vegetation.


In fact, clearest lesson from Muhammad was his victorious return to Mecca- and he forgave the people who had tried to kill him and driven him and his companions out.


I will also add that it has become a practice now to slaughter the character of Muhammad- much of it baseless and taken from people with an agenda against Islam.


The Orientalist scholar W Montgomery Watt wrote: "Of all the world's great men, none has been so much maligned as Muhammad."

Edited by Baz1
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That's precisely what they want as do the likes of EDL idiots - War between muslims and non muslims. Some day that sort of rubbish will start happening in the UK

Not all edl people are idiots and are FREE to voice there opinions just like you and I. In a civilised society thats called FREEDOM of SPEECH. They are doing the dirty work for the majority of law abiding decent BRITISH people of all colours and creeds who if they dare even mention the word islam in a bad light are called RASCIST. So get your head from out of your backside stop calling people names and see what is actually happening in this country.


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 11:49 ----------


Keep it up Smithy....:rolleyes:


I take it you do not want to elaborate on your answer to oneneverlefts post. Please take note the overwhelming majority of us the law abiding citizens of this country are not anti Muslim but are anti ISLAM for the very fact that they want sharia law in Great BRITIAN we already have a law and that is set down by parliament and EVERY citizen should abide by those laws. If as some of the muslim faith are wanting this sharia law ( and have by all accounts in certain parts of the country they already have this). Why do they not stand for parliament on the ticket of wanting to bring FULL sharia law to these shores i know why they will not do this and that it is because they will not get elected because no right minded person who cared for his fellow man/woman would entertain this outdated type of law.

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The treatment of slaves charter while non muslims didn't have one and treated their slaves as they pleased.

The prophet (PBUH) couldn't ban slavery worldwide hence why the treatment of slaves charter, muslim slaves were treated with dignity compared to others.

Slavery was also socially accepted in that era....

You really need to go and educate yourself before spouting your anti muslim bile on here smithy!

Pathetic little troll you! :hihi:


Sorry Mafya but the 'Things were different back then' argument holds no water in any situation where people are enslaved. That's not a dig at Islam, it's any religion or culture who try to use that as an excuse.


Do you really think that any loving god would permit the enslaving of another human being?

You say it was socially acceptable, is that how the slaves felt about it?

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You go off like no non muslim has ever set fire to someone :rolleyes:


So two wrongs make a right according to you.:huh:


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 15:52 ----------


Sorry Mafya but the 'Things were different back then' argument holds no water in any situation where people are enslaved. That's not a dig at Islam, it's any religion or culture who try to use that as an excuse.


Do you really think that any loving god would permit the enslaving of another human being?

You say it was socially acceptable, is that how the slaves felt about it?

Another problem is that it is considered blasphemy to update the Quoran whereas the bible has been updated to todays way of thinking.

Very few people were educated when the Quoran was written.


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 15:56 ----------



I take it you do not want to elaborate on your answer to oneneverlefts post. Please take note the overwhelming majority of us the law abiding citizens of this country are not anti Muslim but are anti ISLAM for the very fact that they want sharia law in Great BRITIAN we already have a law and that is set down by parliament and EVERY citizen should abide by those laws. If as some of the muslim faith are wanting this sharia law ( and have by all accounts in certain parts of the country they already have this). Why do they not stand for parliament on the ticket of wanting to bring FULL sharia law to these shores i know why they will not do this and that it is because they will not get elected because no right minded person who cared for his fellow man/woman would entertain this outdated type of law.


Very well put and IS are turning more people against Islam than anyone else at any other time in History.

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I say we nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


A suggestion as idiotic as it is morally repugnant and cowardly.


went right over your head, I see :hihi:


Tut-tut, Halibut, mind your classics ;)


I like the cut of your jib LOOb:hihi::hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 16:01 ----------


You go off like no non muslim has ever set fire to someone :rolleyes:


Well not lately as far I seem to remember.....however!!

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