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Islamic State burn Jordanian pilot alive

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You do realise the Christianity also did this? Both Islam and Christianity are continuations of Judaism.


I think both Islam and Christianity are evil philosophies, you would be surprised at how similar they are.


The bit about "love thy neighbour as thyself" is particularly evil.

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The bit about "love thy neighbour as thyself" is particularly evil.


No, that is pretty nice.

The multiple genocides, the deliberate murder of children to punish parents. The condemnation of homosexuals, the ridiculous concept of original sin, the justification of slavery. These are examples of the evil in the book.

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No, that is pretty nice.

The multiple genocides, the deliberate murder of children to punish parents. The condemnation of homosexuals, the ridiculous concept of original sin, the justification of slavery. These are examples of the evil in the book.


Isnt all that old testament stuff?

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No, that is pretty nice.

The multiple genocides, the deliberate murder of children to punish parents. The condemnation of homosexuals, the ridiculous concept of original sin, the justification of slavery. These are examples of the evil in the book.


You may have to cite some of those to help me out here.


The gay thing is a problem. Original sin is quite ridiculous.


---------- Post added 03-02-2015 at 19:40 ----------


Christians in "the west" have pretty much given up persecuting anyone.

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Isnt all that old testament stuff?


Yes, still part of the Bible though. God is also eternal and unchanging, so the OT stuff is as relevant as the NT stuff


You may have to cite some of those to help me out here.


The gay thing is a problem. Original sin is quite ridiculous.


Briefly; Targeting children is the 10th plague of Israel. God supports the killing of Hamor and all his tribe, sends the flood that kills the planet, helps kil Amalek and his tribe. The Canaanites are detroyed, God sends fiery serpents to kill Israelites. Joshua does a lot of bad stuff in his self titled book.


I would be happy to discuss further the evils of Abrahamic religion of all flavours, but this thread isn't the place really. I apologise for going of course.

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Very difficult question that. It is a very complex situation that can't really be answered on Sheffield Forum.


I would start by engaging with ISIS diplomatically, they are just trying to do what has been done before (creating a nation state for a religious group). The last people to do this was us and our friends from across the channel who created Israel to house the Jews.


I would ask them what would make them stop fighting and if there is anyway that the violence could stop and invite them to the discussion table. I mean, we engage with the US in diplomacy who have killed far more innocent people than ISIS have.


Only the most foolish would champion an eye for an eye in any scenario.


Are you winding us up?


What do we let them have/keep? Iraq? Syria? Parts of Kurdistan? Don't the people that live there get a say? They are seeking to grab great swathes of sovereign nations with force and shocking violence. I'm all for negotiating with people where possible but I can't begin to think where to start with this lot. It's like trying to negotiate with hitler "go on then, burn 3 million Jews, all the communists and we'll have the gays". It's ludicrous.

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Yes, still part of the Bible though. God is also eternal and unchanging, so the OT stuff is as relevant as the NT stuff




Briefly; Targeting children is the 10th plague of Israel. God supports the killing of Hamor and all his tribe, sends the flood that kills the planet, helps kil Amalek and his tribe. The Canaanites are detroyed, God sends fiery serpents to kill Israelites. Joshua does a lot of bad stuff in his self titled book.


I would be happy to discuss further the evils of Abrahamic religion of all flavours, but this thread isn't the place really. I apologise for going of course.

I encouraged you. But although I do not believe, I feel the church is generally a force for good in the world, even if they are misguided. I cannot say the same about what I have experienced first hand and second hand reporting of Islam.

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I would start by engaging with ISIS diplomatically.


Good luck with that. How do you negotiate with people who think there is only one true path - theirs?


I would ask them what would make them stop fighting and if there is anyway that the violence could stop.


Sure, when they have killed or enslaved all the kuffars.



I, on the other hand, would start by getting the biggest bomb that we have and dropping it right on their heads, and we can get around to being reasonable after that.


I tell you something, it's a good job for people living in the middle east that they have oil, otherwise the temptation to reduce the entire area to the world's biggest and most radioactive car park would be well nigh irresistible.

Edited by Harrystottle
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