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Islamic State burn Jordanian pilot alive

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Are you winding us up?


What do we let them have/keep? Iraq? Syria? Parts of Kurdistan? Don't the people that live there get a say? They are seeking to grab great swathes of sovereign nations with force and shocking violence. I'm all for negotiating with people where possible but I can't begin to think where to start with this lot. It's like trying to negotiate with hitler "go on then, burn 3 million Jews, all the communists and we'll have the gays". It's ludicrous.


Our history is littered with not giving locals a say in who governs them. How are ISIS any worse than us? Both us and the Americans have killed far, far, far more people than ISIS in recent years. Can you tell me why you consider the deaths at the hands of ISIS to be more morally reprehensible than the deaths at the hands of coalition forces please? I would be very interested to hear your views.


Good luck with that. How do you negotiate with people who think there is only one true path - theirs?


Sure, when they have killed or enslaved all the kuffars.


I, on the other hand, would start by getting the biggest bomb that we have and dropping it right on their heads, and we can get around to being reasonable after that.


I tell you something, it's a good job for people living in the middle east that they have oil, otherwise the temptation to reduce the entire area to the world's biggest and most radioactive car park would be well nigh irresistible.


I'm pretty sure that the west have adopted a policy of only one path for generations.

What makes you think that ISIS want to kill or enslave all of us? They claim to be fighting against Assad and his cronies (who again have killed far more people than ISIS ), what makes you think they have a different agenda.

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At least they didn't drop a little water on his head like the yanks did in Guantanamo, that caused an uproar that did.


Are you suggesting that we're wrong for expecting us and the Americans to have a higher standard of morality than Islamic State?

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At least they didn't drop a little water on his head like the yanks did in Guantanamo, that caused an uproar that did.


No no no that WAS torture - it gave the impression of drowning, a bit like being locked in a cage and set light to - that gives the impression of burning alive. They're both exactly as bad as each other. Given the choice, I'd probably choose being burned alive :roll:


---------- Post added 03-02-2015 at 20:36 ----------


Are you suggesting that we're wrong for expecting us and the Americans to have a higher standard of morality than Islamic State?


But we do have a much higher standard.

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I think its time we didn't...


Our culture is our biggest weapon against them. That's the big threat to them, that's why they hate us.


They know that our culture of liberal consumerism seduces more and more of their followers across to our way of life, and their fundamental religious conservatism will go the way of of all the other extreme movements if they don't keep their a tight lead on their own population.


The thing is they won't be able to keep their population down for ever, and sooner or later they'll revolt.


When we change our standards of morality to fight them, we play into their hands, because they can say to their followers that we are hypocrites and our freedoms, that they crave, are meaningless for them.

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Are you suggesting that we're wrong for expecting us and the Americans to have a higher standard of morality than Islamic State?


I think its time we didn't...


You up for stoning rape victims and cutting thieve's hands off then? Sick.

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As much as I enjoy opinions voiced on SF,I fail to understand how we try to discard such fundamental feelings of wanting what is tantamount to revenge or justice.HARRYSTOTTLE in my opinion has got a point on retribution to ISIS.

I for one would not be able to forgive or try to understand their religion or even want to enter into dialogue with them if I had lost family or friend by the hands of these psychos.Its difficult to try and understand why they do these things by our standards.

At the moment these thugs are seemingly happy to murder in the most inhumane way in order to portray what they are prepared to do for their religion.If ever they were to get hold anything stronger than guns,RPG`s or bombs then I am certain that they would do their best to ensure that we all entered into a new world of pain

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