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Islamic State burn Jordanian pilot alive

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thats not islam at all you under educated fool. less then 1% of those people is giving islam a bad name. i know a lot of muslim people and they wouldnt hurt a fly

So why aren't they out on the streets rioting as they did over a cartoon?


---------- Post added 03-02-2015 at 21:17 ----------


I encouraged you. But although I do not believe, I feel the church is generally a force for good in the world, even if they are misguided. I cannot say the same about what I have experienced first hand and second hand reporting of Islam.

So IS, Boko Haram and Al Shabab have been misrepresented in the press,

Maybe you could enlighten us.

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Yeah yeah whatever........:rolleyes:


It was 600 years off the pace. Thats a fact.

It was designed to bring down the jews and the christians and even copied large aspects word for word. Thats a fact


This is just islam in action


IS owns slaves, Muhammad owned slaves (there's an entire chapter in the Quran about owning slaves)

IS conquers territory and establishes sharia, Muhammad and his armies conquered territory and established sharia.

IS stones women to death, Muhammad ordered multiple women to be stoned to death.

IS executes prisoners, Muhammad executed prisoners.

IS persecutes non-muslims and makes them pay the Jizyah, Muhammad persecuted non-muslims, threw them out of Arabia and made them pay Jizyah.

IS crucifies and chops off limbs, Muhammad and his minions crucified and chopped off limbs, theres a very important passage in the Quran about that.


I could go on...

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IS are engaging in total war, the barbarism used in this case has one and only one purpose, to help precipitate a ground war with Western boots - that's their end game. They were never going to trade that pilot for a female suicide bomber or 10 fighters. That they chose to kill, and how they chose to kill, that multi-multi-£-million piece of 'soft' military hardware simply confirms it. They're about as interested in entering meaningful diplomatic talks as Hitler was discussing a lasting truce with Stalin.


I say we nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

Edited by L00b
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IS are engaging in total war, the barbarism used in this case has one and only one purpose, to help precipitate a ground war with Western boots - that's their end game. They were never going to trade that pilot for a female suicide bomber or 10 fighters. That they chose to kill, and how they chose to kill, that multi-multi-£-million piece of 'soft' military hardware simply confirms it. They're about as interested in entering meaningful diplomatic talks as Hitler was discussing a lasting truce with Stalin.


I say we nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


A suggestion as idiotic as it is morally repugnant and cowardly.

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Islam is a evil religion established merely to bring down jews and christians


Hence it was 600 years off the pace. It even copied large sections of other religious texts


You could apply exactly the same argument to Christianity as well you do realise...?

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Apparently the Jordanians are going to execute some IS on death row including the woman who was to be exchanged for the Jordanian.

I'm trying really hard to coax a few tears in sympathy but it's just not happening.


Round the clock non stop air strikes should be on the agenda from now on. It will cost a bundle but these people need to wiped off the face of the earth

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