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Islamic State burn Jordanian pilot alive

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Its not the aim of airstrikes to take out civilians. They are very targeted. If they were not we could just drop the a bomb and be done in minutes

Firstly, if you think no innocent civilians are filled in bombing raids then you are a fool. Secondly, it is irrelevant. To ISIS THEY are in the right. If you kill one of theirs why shouldn't they want revenge?

Thirdly, how do you think the rest of the muslim world would react if whole swaths of the Middle East were bombed out of existence? Do you think they would say good riddance or do you think some would take it as an attack on Islam and retaliate?



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What makes you think that ISIS want to kill or enslave all of us? They claim to be fighting against Assad and his cronies (who again have killed far more people than ISIS ), what makes you think they have a different agenda.


They were originally called Islamic State for Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), so pretty obviously they see their remit as being greater than just Syria.


You seem to think that sitting down round a table and being reasonable with them will automatically work. It may do, but I think you may be assuming that they are reasonable enough to engage, when everything they do seems to suggest they are the least reasonable people in existence.


Crucifying, burning alive, beheading, throwing gays of multi-storey buildings and forcing women into being sex slaves is pretty strong evidence of that, I'd say.

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Firstly, if you think no innocent civilians are filled in bombing raids then you are a fool. Secondly, it is irrelevant. To ISIS THEY are in the right. If you kill one of theirs why shouldn't they want revenge?

Thirdly, how do you think the rest of the muslim world would react if whole swaths of the Middle East were bombed out of existence? Do you think they would say good riddance or do you think some would take it as an attack on Islam and retaliate?




Not intentionally


Its not irrelevant.


The people targeted are trying to kill people. Its quite right they should be taken out and im tired of our restraint.


Your final question is clearly irrelevant


Have you read the isis guide to defending this because you seem to have

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It certainly is..some may even say reckless. He also took his son.


I would say yes to a certain extent,but I would imagine his son is a middle aged man with a decent education behind him.

So did he take his son?or did he decide to support his elderly father?

Either way,a herd of wild buffalo couldn't drag me to that place.:D

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Firstly, I say: everyone who dies by fire and is a Muslim is one of the martyrs, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “the one who is burned to death is a martyr.”




Death by fire is martyrdom, in ISIS's own twisted way, I think they gave a fellow Sunni redemption in the chance to get to heaven. To them, this was more merciful than beheading.:huh:


or as the jews say/muslims killing muslims ,how can I help?

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