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IDS Benefit reforms are working.

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At least his plans are said to be working according to the Daily Fail


"I have slowed the soaring rate of increases in Britain's benefit bill, boasts Iain Duncan Smith


Iain Duncan Smith will say that government reforms led to £50bn savings

He will claim people have been 'transformed' by pushing them into work

There is 1.75million more people in work despite Labour's austerity claims

His intervention comes as election battleground moves on to welfare"

I think IDS lives in a country house on his father in laws estate and is married to Elizabeth "Betsy" Fremantle, daughter of the 5th Baron Cottesloe.

He can't be all that bad because when my mother reached 100 she got a card from him as well as the Queen, that must prove he is a caring man of the people.

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I've read somewhere this morning that the reforms haven't actually saved a penny, just moved the money around a bit.



Isnt there a benefits cap?


They should cap it, they should never have increased it higher than wages.


---------- Post added 04-02-2015 at 11:22 ----------


And they should get rid of the daft system, whereby pensions and other working stuff are called benefits

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Isnt there a benefits cap?


They should cap it, they should never have increased it higher than wages.


The cap doesn't affect many.


Mainly London or south based larger families who have no exemptions like disability.


A bit of a red herring really.


They never increased benefits to be above wages.


They increased benefits with inflation, just like wages should be increased.


It isn't about benefits being too much it's wages not being enough.

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Well done IDS, the quiet man has been effective. After we win the election the next phase will see welfare further reduced.


At the same time Osbornes attack on the tax fiddles carried out by "celebs"is bearing fruit. Gary Barlow Jimmy Carr, Rooney and the rest of them now having to pay what they owe.


This government is the most radical and effective since Thatcher.


---------- Post added 04-02-2015 at 12:25 ----------




60 year old man.

£800 vigorously pursued.


Is this the welfare reform people really want?


Yes it is.


---------- Post added 04-02-2015 at 12:28 ----------


The cap doesn't affect many.


Mainly London or south based larger families who have no exemptions like disability.


A bit of a red herring really.


They never increased benefits to be above wages.


They increased benefits with inflation, just like wages should be increased.


It isn't about benefits being too much it's wages not being enough.


Your last line I agree with, the Minimum Wage should be the Living Wage, this would have the effect of moving inflation up slightly and generating the economy even more. Don't be surprised if Osborne doesn't do this after the election, its makes economic sense.

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His plans are definitely succeeding. The graveyards are bursting at the seams with people who have been killed by the austerity measures.

If they havent been given a heart attack from the stress, they've done themselves in!


or died out of fuel poverty, or because the NHS haven't been able to provide the care that would save them due to lack of funds....very true, PT.


---------- Post added 04-02-2015 at 11:41 ----------



Your last line I agree with, the Minimum Wage should be the Living Wage, this would have the effect of moving inflation up slightly and generating the economy even more. Don't be surprised if Osborne doesn't do this after the election, its makes economic sense.




Oh stop it! I can't take anymore.




The Tories are all for big business. Businesses do not want to pay a living wage. I was watching Boris chair a meeting of London Tories last year (who also happened to be business owners) and they were putting pressure on him to scrap the minimum wage!

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His plans are definitely succeeding. The graveyards are bursting at the seams with people who have been killed by the austerity measures.

If they havent been given a heart attack from the stress, they've done themselves in!


Is the correct answer. I was reading in the newspaper that after Parliament returns from summer recess there is going to be a high level investigation into the numbers of deaths that have occured of people on the WCA.


Evidence, amonst others, is here :http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/feb/04/jobcentre-adviser-play-benefit-sanctions-angela-neville

Edited by Mister M
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Is the correct answer. I was reading in the newspaper that after Parliament returns from summer recess there is going to be a high level investigation into the numbers of deaths that have occured of people on the WCA.


Evidence, amonst others, is here :http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/feb/04/jobcentre-adviser-play-benefit-sanctions-angela-neville


Crikey, not a case of vote for us and you'll get one is it?

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