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IDS Benefit reforms are working.

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People in troubled states often don't think clearly.


Do you genuinely think that this guy had no mental health problems whatsoever? That he was completely hunky-dory and then decided, completely out of character, to kill himself over £800?


Mental health issues are often very complex, there would likely have been a myriad of things that all came together to make this man feel so desperate that he killed himself.


I don't think you mean this but your post is reading like it is ok to kill mentally ill people.


There are vulnerable people pushed to the edge by these cuts.


If they are or aren't mentally ill it doesn't mean it's ok for them to die that is the reason we shouldn't be making sweeping cuts to the weakest.

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Where is your proof of that statement?


---------- Post added 04-02-2015 at 15:33 ----------



Re my bold.


I will say to you what I would say to him...you are both exhibiting a level of understanding and smugness that fits well with a Tory.


Are these the sort of events and result you are both so proud of?








The policies you are espousing are creating an ever increasing underclass. The more wealth earned by the policies you advocate...the more wealth flows into the pockets of unscrupulous, callous, money grabbing scumbags. The wealth created does not filter down to the have nots and I defy you to show me that it does!

Look around you...wake up to the growth of food banks, fuel poverty, homelessness, vilification of the disadvantaged, growth of zero hours contracts...and I could go on.


Is this what you are boasting about?


1.25 million new jobs.

The fasting growing economy in any developed nation.

Labours deficit cut by a third.

More people in work than at any other time in UK history.

Fuel prices tumbling.


That's what I am boasting about. Far better to be a boasting Tory than a vilified South Yorkshire Socialist this morning.

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I don't think you mean this but your post is reading like it is ok to kill mentally ill people.


There are vulnerable people pushed to the edge by these cuts.


If they are or aren't mentally ill it doesn't mean it's ok for them to die that is the reason we shouldn't be making sweeping cuts to the weakest.


How on earth did you get the conclusion from my post that even remotely resembles the assertion that it is OK to kill mentally ill people?


What I said, and will say again, is that it is absolutely absurd to lay the blame of this persons death at the feet of the political Party you don't like.


The gentleman would have had troubles before receiving this £800 bill. These people are already at the edge, through a much wider spectrum of influences than the OP would like to admit.


I know enough about mental health to know that there is very rare that a suicidal episode can be attributed to one thing in their life. It is almost always an amalgamation of various pressures.

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1.25 million new jobs.

The fasting growing economy in any developed nation.

Labours deficit cut by a third.

More people in work than at any other time in UK history.

Fuel prices tumbling.


That's what I am boasting about. Far better to be a boasting Tory than a vilified South Yorkshire Socialist this morning.


So...feeling that secure about your position that you now find it necessary to resort to insults. Oh dear!


For the avoidance of all doubt I am not a socialist, "vilified" or not! :roll:


The majority of the new jobs are zero hours contract jobs which once again make the rich richer and the poor poorer and more easy to dispose of.

However fast you reckon the economy to be growing it is being done on the backs of the have nots.

"Labour's deficit." When will you learn that repeating a lie often enough does not make it true to those of us who understand the meaning of global economic recession?

"Fuel prices tumbling"...and yet families still live in fuel poverty having to make the daily decision of when to eat and when to heat!


In all your "boasting" about the "achievements" you have made not the slightest mention of any of the links I have posted. I guess it's just easier to look the other way eh!


---------- Post added 05-02-2015 at 13:04 ----------


How on earth did you get the conclusion from my post that even remotely resembles the assertion that it is OK to kill mentally ill people?


What I said, and will say again, is that it is absolutely absurd to lay the blame of this persons death at the feet of the political Party you don't like.


The gentleman would have had troubles before receiving this £800 bill. These people are already at the edge, through a much wider spectrum of influences than the OP would like to admit.


I know enough about mental health to know that there is very rare that a suicidal episode can be attributed to one thing in their life. It is almost always an amalgamation of various pressures.


I know it's a bit late for pantomime season but...




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Originally Posted by Stranza viewpost.gif



60 year old man.

£800 vigorously pursued.


Is this the welfare reform people really want?


Yes it is.



Really... Welfare reform that pushes people into suicide. And you approve.


If some time in the, hopefully none-too, distant future such a catalogue of events tanspire that makes you feel so desperate you feel like taking your own life is your only option I genuinely hope the state ensures you get all the help and support you truly deserve.



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Can you link me to any pathologists reports that label cause of death as austerity measures please?


I would be absolutely 100% confident in saying that the gentleman in the OP would have had underlying mental health issues that were bigger contributors to his death than an £800 debt. A person of sound mind would not commit suicide over £800.


Alas, you will ignore this sense I have posted and instead use the death of the poor man as a political football to suit your agenda. You may as well spit on his grave.


If anyone is not sure what the term 'hypocrisy' means - the above is a great example.

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Do explain. I can understand you disagreeing with my point, it is fine. How is it hypocritical though?


It is not hypocritical, it is right. You are perfectly entitled to ask for proof of such a sweeping statement. Regrettably it is typical of the lefties to seek to emotionalize such an occurrence and place blame at someone's door, any door, as long as its not theirs.

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It is not hypocritical, it is right. You are perfectly entitled to ask for proof of such a sweeping statement. Regrettably it is typical of the lefties to seek to emotionalize such an occurrence and place blame at someone's door, any door, as long as its not theirs.


Now that's what I call hypocrisy!


How do you equate that statement I highlighted with what your lot have done to demonise all benefit claimants?

To blame the sick for being ill...to blame the poor for using food banks, to blame the old for having lived so long?

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