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Rotherham Council NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE


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Let's be realistic here. There IS a serious issue in the U.K with Asian men targeting white girls, just as there is a problem with 'How are young white girls allowed to get into a situation like this? Who is responsible for them? The family or the state? The way I look at it is that it just show that 'Multiculturalism' is a massive failure in society.


How right you are. 'Multiculturalism' is a massive failure in society.

We have to listen to politicians telling us how enriched England is because of it.

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You could have simply wrote:


Jimmy Saville and the Pakistani abusers got away with their crimes because the Police and other elected officials failed to do their jobs properly, and didn't pay any attention to the victims.


You kippers should stop running away from debate, it makes you and your leader look like a bunch of spineless cowards :roll:


You need to remove your blindfold and it seems because i disagree with your far left ideaology that i am a UKIP supporter.I do not remember saying that i vote UKIP.The government and a lot of political figures from other parties do not share your view that fear of beng labelled a racist did not influence the people involved in the scandal and also the police have said that the leader of the council was a bully that even they were scared of and that if he says back off that is what you did.It will be interesting to see the findings of all the investigations in to the individuals involved and read their reasons for behaving the way they did and see if the deniers will still deny it and claim a stitch up.The ex leader of the council Jahanghir Akhtar refusing to apologise to the victims i find arrogant and absolutely disgraceful which i think says it all about the arrogance of Rotherham Councils cabinet.

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You could have simply wrote:


Jimmy Saville and the Pakistani abusers got away with their crimes because the Police and other elected officials failed to do their jobs properly, and didn't pay any attention to the victims.


You kippers should stop running away from debate, it makes you and your leader look like a bunch of spineless cowards :roll:


Jimmy Saville and UKIP have nothing at all to do with Rotherham!

One must bear in mind the Jay Report clearly stated "predominately men of Pakistani origin" and that was after seeing Council and Police files - are you saying she was wrong?

I daren't criticise the Council or Police as last time I did that my post was removed and later the thread closed!!!



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This is a little off topic but Rotherham Council and their employee's are implicated in some of the following.


A few points - to keep it real.................

It's not "at least 1,400 victims"

It's an estimated 1,400 victims.The majority of whom have never been identified.

How many victims have been identified?


All offenders get away with 'it' whatever 'it' is for reasons.

In the case of most sexual offences it's combinations of several of these:-


a) Offender can't be identified and/or can't be found.

b) It's one word against another.

c) The Offender believed, or claims, that their actions were legal (or not illegal) WHERE there is an element of 'state of mind' in the offence.

d) Prosecutors/investigators/carers have no faith in the word of the victim*.

e) Prosecutors/investigators/carers have too much faith on the word of the offender.

e1) Because the offender is a celebrity

e2) Because of the status of the offender

e3) Because of the race of the offender

e4) Because of the connections of the offender.


*d) can be amplified in the same way that I have amplified the e) section.


Many of the e) sub group reasons are completely unacceptable and have no standing in law.

But, IMO, we are concentrating on the e) group without giving consideration to the rest.

Edited by Flanker7
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This is a little off topic but Rotherham Council and their employee's are implicated in some of the following.


A few points - to keep it real.................

It's not "at least 1,400 victims"

It's an estimated 1,400 victims.The majority of whom have never been identified.

How many victims have been identified?


All offenders get away with 'it' whatever 'it' is for reasons.

In the case of most sexual offences it's combinations of several of these:-


a) Offender can't be identified and/or can't be found.

b) It's one word against another.

c) The Offender believed, or claims, that their actions were legal (or not illegal) WHERE there is an element of 'state of mind' in the offence.

d) Prosecutors/investigators/carers have no faith in the word of the victim*.

e) Prosecutors/investigators/carers have too much faith on the word of the offender.

e1) Because the offender is a celebrity

e2) Because of the status of the offender

e3) Because of the race of the offender

e4) Because of the connections of the offender.


*d) can be amplified in the same way that I have amplified the e) section.


Many of the e) sub group reasons are completely unacceptable and have no standing in law.

But, IMO, we are concentrating on the e) group without giving consideration to the rest.


Rotherham Council have not abused 1,400 although it's possibly a few people working for Rotherham Council tampered with a few kids. What you're saying is that all of Rotherham council knew about what was happening and that simply isn't true.

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Rotherham Council have not abused 1,400 although it's possibly a few people working for Rotherham Council tampered with a few kids. What you're saying is that all of Rotherham council knew about what was happening and that simply isn't true.


I accept I could have worded this better, but my words say what I mean.


It may help you to draw attention to the words 'some' and 'implicated' in my post which seems to have passed you by.


p.s. An innocent person can by implicated by circumstances.


p.p.s. Do you have a point to make or are you just being pedantic.

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