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When does freedom of speech become unacceptable?

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In light of recent happenings locally and around the world (especially Paris). When does freedom of speech become unacceptable?


I had to disagree with David Cameron about being able to say or write what you want. I didn't hear what specifically he said, but I was told that what he said in a round about way.


Does a certain amount of freedom of speech have to be reconsidered, I think it does to some extent.


What's other peoples views? Personally I'm not looking for a right or wrong answer - just a discussion.

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It is one of the big questions of our times. And the big thing it relates to: decline of religion. In the past it was easy: Don't say anything that would upset *insert generic god*.


We have increasingly been letting go of that notion and don't quite know what to replace it with. I can't remember the philosopher's name right now, but there was a Frenchman who wrote extensively about this in the 50's/60's and what he said back then is becoming true now: We are failing to keep track of our social norms.

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It is one of the big questions of our times. And the big thing it relates to: decline of religion. In the past it was easy: Don't say anything that would upset *insert generic god*.


We have increasingly been letting go of that notion and don't quite know what to replace it with. I can't remember the philosopher's name right now, but there was a Frenchman who wrote extensively about this in the 50's/60's and what he said back then is becoming true now: We are failing to keep track of our social norms.


I think we should be able to say what we like about any god. In the unlikely event that any of them actually exist they should be quite capable of sorting out their own battles.


So god. If you exist take it up with me in the afterlife.

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I think we should be able to say what we like about any god. In the unlikely event that any of them actually exist they should be quite capable of sorting out their own battles.


So god. If you exist take it up with me in the afterlife.


I think it's the lack of understanding to the Middle East and the Arabic world. When I heard what David Cameron was saying, I found this very alarming. I would have thought at worst, he'd understand the mentality of the Arabic people and their religion.


It's not just religion to these guys... it's their life. It's a passion I've never seen before. Ever. When it's held in a good context which is more often than not, I actually found it very inspiring. But when it's not and when the minority of people then give it a reason to be a terrorist, they abuse their own religion in my opinion.


So writing thing's about Mohammed for example; I can understand why some people get upset. Their religion is valued differently to our religion.


That's not to say I condone what they did in Paris in anyway, in fact like most people, it was evil and a pathetic excuse. But that's what these terrorist's are going to do. It give's them a reason to be evil... and we should understand this. Hence freedom of speech needs to be reviewed and updated to fit modern life.


Don't get me wrong. I'm all for freedom of speech; but there has to be a line.

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I think we should be able to say what we like about any god. In the unlikely event that any of them actually exist they should be quite capable of sorting out their own battles.


So god. If you exist take it up with me in the afterlife.


Correct. There is no reason what so ever that Religion should be immune / protected from ridicule.


ALL religion is fair game in my opinion.

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The French are arresting people for comments seen as defending terrorism, it's a funny thing this freedom of speech malarkey and it seems to be used selectively IMO = http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/paris-attacks-aftermath-french-police-arrest-54-people-for-defending-or-glorifying-terrorism-9977434.html

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The French are arresting people for comments seen as defending terrorism, it's a funny thing this freedom of speech malarkey and it seems to be used selectively IMO = http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/paris-attacks-aftermath-french-police-arrest-54-people-for-defending-or-glorifying-terrorism-9977434.html




There is no absolute freedom of speech - choudry should be done for incitement a long time ago. Also see section 5 and conspiracy offences.


Its not just selective against muslims and its obviously not absolute - if i said half of what choudry says id be very arrested


As this is a family forum and there are literally families sat around together reading sheffield forum for fun i best leave it there



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There is no absolute freedom of speech - choudry should be done for incitement a long time ago. Also see section 5 and conspiracy offences.


Its not just selective against muslims and its obviously not absolute - if i said half of what choudry says id be very arrested


As this is a family forum and there are literally families sat around together reading sheffield forum for fun i best leave it there




Make your mind up, some on here say freedom of speech gives up you the right to offend and yet it seems when muslims are doing the offending certain people start spitting their dummies out.. :)

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Make your mind up, some on here say freedom of speech gives up you the right to offend and yet it seems when muslims are doing the offending certain people start spitting their dummies out.. :)




Ive just given you an example of a muslim who is massively guilty of incitement but has never been prosecuted for it but your persecution complex arrises again.


You can offend all you want. You cant openly call for extermination or threaten to kill people. Thats not offending people thats threatening them.


Its really very simple

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The French are arresting people for comments seen as defending terrorism, it's a funny thing this freedom of speech malarkey and it seems to be used selectively IMO = http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/paris-attacks-aftermath-french-police-arrest-54-people-for-defending-or-glorifying-terrorism-9977434.html


Could it be that believing in god isn't illegal, whereas believing in terrorism is? That's not blocking freedom of speech. is it?

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