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Argentina orders new warship from China.

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Absolutely. But its the link with China that's odd, as this ship is a freebie??? China must have more of a motive than is published.


Its a bit of a tenuous link but both countries want to control islands. Argentina with the Fauklands and China with Spratley Islands. Future joint opperations perhaps?

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Its a bit of a tenuous link but both countries want to control islands. Argentina with the Fauklands and China with Spratley Islands. Future joint opperations perhaps?


Not that tenuous. It seems Argentina are now sat firmly in the pockets of China. And heres little old me thinking China had become a more peaceful nation!

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That is comforting to know, but would the Chinese assist them, should another conflict occur?


Hell of a logistical problem for them if they did. I cannot see it happening, apart from anything else the US would not like the presence of Chinese in the Americas. Theoretically could lead to major confrontation between the two.

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Absolutely. But its the link with China that's odd, as this ship is a freebie??? China must have more of a motive than is published.


Theres going to be 5 of these corvettes, with some made in China and purchased off them, and some made in Argentina's ship yards under licence. It's been in the pipeline for 10 years with various plans, i think that they were going to get some off Brazil at one stage.


Lets remember they're nothing more than offshore patrol vessels, they're small and cheap. I don't think that they're suited for a prolonged conflict in the South Alantic. Also all the reports I've read have stated that Argentina are buying these/paying for the licence from China as opposed to receiving them as a gifts.

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