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Biggest threat to the planet is..

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Yes they did, but I believe I was addressing a Brit? The whole of mankind, bar those that live complete and utter vegan lifestyles, is responsible for the destruction of the planet. Not just those that are easy to point out.


Traditional Chinese Medicine has a bad reputation due to the fact that people link these superstitions (about tiger-balls, rhino-horns, ivory and so on) but it is only a fraction of people that take part in TCM that believe in it. My best friend is Chinese and his mother is a very well respected TCM-doctor, she estimates it is about .5% of her patients that believe this stuff, the Chinese government has been taking really significant steps in squashing this belief as well.


Best of luck with that. Who do you think can afford tiger penis and pangolins? The guy putting iPhones together or a well payed, well payed off government official?

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... The whole of mankind, bar those that live complete and utter vegan lifestyles, is responsible for the destruction of the planet...


Is that the kind of Vegan that does not use crude oil products because its made from animals?

no plastic

no transport

no electricity

no fridge

no knives and forks,

no food

no clothes

no medicine

no shoes


and totally dependent on others that do.


Steam engines burning coal are vegan. Building them is not.

Edited by Annie Bynnol
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The whole of mankind, bar those that live complete and utter vegan lifestyles, is responsible for the destruction of the planet. Not just those that are easy to point out.


Vegans fart a lot of metane into the atmosphere.

Vegans breath out carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.


Both are greenhouse gasses that allegedly contribute to global warming.

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Global warming is just another excuse to tax and try to control you.

Annual volcano eruptions give off more unwanted gases than the whole of the human race in any given year.

The earth goes into and out of ice ages constantly this is no different.


Unfortunately all the world's major problems come down to overpopulation. If it is not checked and as suggested on the Georgia monument severly reduced then every single green space will be needed for food production and most if not all species will become extinct.


Whilst there are midless people having 2 or more children with no thoughts to the consequence we will just have to leave things in the hands of the ultra rich to radically reduce the world's population to about 1/2 million to reduce the impact we have. We either do it through choice and alter our breeding patterns or someone will arrange a cull.


If this offends or upsets someone I would not mind betting that they have already or are thinking of having more than 1 child. It would be better still if only about a quarter of us had 2 children and the rest none for a few generations.


We can no longer afford to let any race grow its that simple.

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Unfortunately all the world's major problems come down to overpopulation.



There is plenty of unused land around the world that could be used to produce food but doesn't because of lack of water. There is plenty of land that could be used for housing but isn't. There is plenty of land that could be used for solar and wind power but it again its not used.


The worlds major problems are down to having to spend money because unless someone is making a profit nothing positive happens as its always "it cost too much."


Overpopulation is only part of the problem.

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Global warming is just another excuse to tax and try to control you.

Annual volcano eruptions give off more unwanted gases than the whole of the human race in any given year.


Regarding CO2 I think you will find volcanoes are perhaps a percent or so of human CO2 emissions...

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Chemtrails are polluting the planet more than anything.


Plants will not grow due to the soil having a very unnatural level of aluminium.


Monsanto of course have seeds that are resistant to this aluminium.


Coincidence......you must be kidding.

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Fortunately, stupid conspiracy theories as yet pose very little threat to the future of the planet.


Observation is 100 percent evidence in my mind anyway.


Lift your head out of the sand,up to the sky and see for yourself.

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There have been numerous potential pandemics in recent years (aids, swine flu, bird flu, ebola and so on) that I can't help wondering if mother nature is trying to reverse over-population by clearing out a few million people. Unfortunately (?) medical science keeps thwarting her.


But one day....

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