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Despicable human being who lives in Sheffield

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I had a similar experience a few days ago, I'm a volunteer first responder and was attending an emergency call where a car pulled up in the middle of the road trying to park up on opposite side of road but blocking me from passing, I quickly got out and asked if they would reverse back so I could get pass explaining I'm on an emergency call but was given verbal abuse, this cost 2 minutes of my response time.

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Sheffield driving is generally shocking. Ive never been tailgated, cut up or road raged quite like it anywhere else.


It really isn't, but then that wouldn't be the only thing you are woefully wrong about. Try driving round Manchester for the day to see inconsiderate driving.

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So the ambulance lady on a non emergency has admitted she illegally parked, but its the other driver at fault. surely she wouldnt have been blocked in if in fact she wasnt the one in the wrong.

this was actually on the letters page of the star the other day Val had wrote in and also admitted in her letter she illegally used her blue lights to try and get him to move. Wonder what Vals thoughts would be if she had of blocked an emergency vechile on a call rather than blocking a member ofthe public.

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It is unfortunate that at times ambulances have to park either inconveniently for other road users and or sometimes illegally.


Ambulance carry people granted not always emergencies but still people. When someone clamps down and stops all deliveryand collections that involve illegal or inconsiderate parking for anything but people I'll accept the questioning of the parking of this particualar ambulance.


Biggest offenders have to be delivery lorries to both pubs and supermarkets often their drivers just think they own the road. More numerous although not as big a lorries is of course taxis some of their drivers stop just anywhere for a conversation at times regarless of anyone else.


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Ambulances are not appreciated by some ignorant people. When I had an emergency ambulance, while I was being attended to in my home, some delightful soul let down two of its tyres. There was a considerable delay while another ambulance was called. Fortunately I was none the worse for the delay (except for being in great pain) but that was two ambulances, one of which being out of action till it could be repaired.


Just what pleasure do these ignoramuses get out of it?

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