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Despicable human being who lives in Sheffield

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Sheffield driving is generally shocking. Ive never been tailgated, cut up or road raged quite like it anywhere else.


It really isn't, but then that wouldn't be the only thing you are woefully wrong about. Try driving round Manchester for the day to see inconsiderate driving.


Agreed, I encounter far more tailgaters here in Sheffield than anywhere else, very odd.


I'm a professional driver (according to the Road Haulage Association) and drive all over the UK. In every city, town or village there are inconsiderate motorists/licence holders all over the place.


Drivers are in the minority in most places, licence holders are plentiful! There is a difference! I average about 2000 miles per week and the things I see are unbelievable :loopy:

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I accidentally put my foot on the gas rather than the break whilst parking up at morrisons and hit a bollard pretty hard. I was 8 months pregnant and was in pain. An ambulance was called and I was taken onboard to be checked over. Whilst there the ambulance was obviously parked over some cars and one man was going particularly bonkers that he couldn't get out. The paramedics spoke to him but he still continued to rage. Eventually he attempted to try and get his car out, to no avail. He had no idea what was going on inside, he just saw that he was inconvenienced so went berserk at the paramedics!!

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Driving down the parkway towards town this evening, I could see in my mirror that an ambulance with blue lights flashing was being held back by a bloke in a van all the way down until the traffic was that bad then the traffic in left hand lane all moved for the ambulance to get passed

The dick in the van still didn't move over.

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Looking from both sides of the argument I can see why the car driver was PSSSSD off because the ambulance was parking stupidly.


This is not an emergency ambulance with blues and two's siren, it's just a glorified taxi for outpatient appointments.


I would expect that the drivers are supposed to follow health and safety so leaving a transport vehicle causing an obstruction whilst unloading is not just a driving offence but an employment offence too. Dodgy parking just so they can speed up a drop off puts other road users at risk.


I know this isn't a driving office however:

The numpty who comes to pick up my elderly neighbour blocks off the only pedestrian steps down to the road for 10 mins. Other elderly people and parents with children require that access too. All the bus driver has to do is park just passed the steps.

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