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Blunkett - Sell house to pay for your elderly care

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Nope, not at all... what's wrong with my suggestion..?


The same reason your children wouldn't be able to get housing benefit if they lived with you. You made the decision to buy assets and the economy helped you by inflating house prices. You are therefore ok and can afford your health care, others can't. What's wrong with that, nobody forced you to buy property, especially if you got RTB council property, which belonged to the state.

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What happened to Bevans promise of cradle to grave care as a reason for our contributionz


Because a care home isn't a hospital. It's a care home. It comes under the umbrella of social care and very much not the Nhs.


And why shouldn't granny sell her home? She's not living in it, she gone into care.

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The same reason your children wouldn't be able to get housing benefit if they lived with you. You made the decision to buy assets and the economy helped you by inflating house prices. You are therefore ok and can afford your health care, others can't. What's wrong with that, nobody forced you to buy property, especially if you got RTB council property, which belonged to the state.


Take the example of two blokes who work next to each other doing the same job,earning the same money..one goes out every night and spends his cash and rents a council house, one saves a deposit and gets a mortgage..when/if the time comes for a nursing home why should the person who has been prudent end up no better off? Where's the fairness? Where is the incentive to not be a spendthrift?

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Take the example of two blokes who work next to each other doing the same job,earning the same money..one goes out every night and spends his cash and rents a council house, one saves a deposit and gets a mortgage..when/if the time comes for a nursing home why should the person who has been prudent end up no better off? Where's the fairness? Where is the incentive to not be a spendthrift?


Not all care homes are equal. The spendthrift will have access to far nicer digs than the one who urinated it up a wall.

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