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Blunkett - Sell house to pay for your elderly care

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He didn't bring in the welfare state he brought in the NHS - which is not and has never been responsible for residential care for the elderly.


In the early years of the NHS many of the elderly were admitted to (what were then Geriatric Hospitals or Geriatric units in large hospitals) and ended up staying there till the end of their lives only because they were incapable of caring for themselves and there weren't residential homes available for them to be discharged to, or because families couldn't cope (didn't want to)or were unable to care for them. That system went on until the seventies and eighties.


Some of them remained in hospital for years, before NHS hospital care it would have been the workhouse.

Edited by janie48
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Far be it for me question the integrity of the daily mail but something smells pretty fishy about all this. I'm digging into it. Not so long a guy in eckington successfully sued derbyshire county council for putting his brother into care against his wishes. I can't believe this couldn't happen in this case.


Besides different councils have different rules.

Different councils should not have different rules. the rules should be set out in Westminster.

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As far as I'm aware, health care is still 'free' on the NHS. Why should he have to pay for a nurse?

It's yet another fiddle added by the commercially run care homes.


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 18:13 ----------


He's given them £150K, or more, for somewhere to live and comes out with nothing. The council still has the house and can rent it to someone else. They're basically quids in and can use the money to fund care. The buyer has given £150K to a bank and came out with an asset worth at least that. The council have received nothing, why shouldn't the home owner now contribute something for his care?




The home owner has contributed all his working life, the person in the council house has lived in a house that others including the home owner paid for out of their rates/council tax.


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 18:16 ----------


They can't take it with them anna.


The ones that went bust are often poorly run cesspits - that happens quite regularly. The odd chain went bust (the main one name escapes me) but that was down to some highly dodgy land purchases if memory serves. I'll look into it. Many others have waiting lists. I don't begrudge those ones a penny.


Commonly known as waffle.:rolleyes:

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It's yet another fiddle added by the commercially run care homes.


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 18:13 ----------



The home owner has contributed all his working life, the person in the council house has lived in a house that others including the home owner paid for out of their rates/council tax.


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 18:16 ----------



Commonly known as waffle.:rolleyes:


What a come back. Care to respond to any of the points or don't you understand them? No shame in not knowing what you're talking about - just say so and save the bandwidth.


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 18:26 ----------


Different councils should not have different rules. the rules should be set out in Westminster.


Why? Defeats the object of having councils then doesn't it? Have everything decided by a tory led coalition government?

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You don't have to. You can stay at home and die from neglect. As to whether £500/wk is value for money I have no idea, not having costed it. How many nurses on 24 hr cover will that buy you? How many carers on 24hr cover will that buy you? How many cleaners and cooks?jb


You don't get a personal nurse, you don't get a personal carer, your room doesn't get a cleaner who only cleans one room.

To make it easier for tin hat:-

A 30 room care home doesn't have

30 nurses.

30 carers.

30 cooks.

30 cleaners

30 receptionists


Get the picture. At £15000 a week nice little earner for someone.

Edited by Dark Night
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You don't get a personal nurse, you don't get a personal carer, your room doesn't get a cleaner who only cleans one room.

To make it easier for tin hat:-

A 30 room care home doesn't have

30 nurses.

30 carers.

30 cooks.

30 cleaners

30 receptionists


Get the picture.


Any idea how many carers, cleaners and nurses a 30 room care home does have? On average?

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Couple of ways to look at this. When the family of the spendthrifts (I've been informed today I've spent my life using this word wrongly. Where do you get thrift stores then? Moving on....) visit granny in her state-provided care home, after they've nodded hello at the non-English speaking care worker (providing they actually found one at all) got used to the all pervasive smell of urine, and actually recognised her in the soul destroying day room she is in 12 hours a day (she's wearing someone else's clothes again) and through her dementia addled brain she's trying to tell them she wants to go home (it's hard to hear over the bawling of another resident) or just somewhere else, the family will wish they had had a few less holidays.


Or there's dignitas - £5k - £7k (not state funded). Prudent family "b" may well not go through all that because a) the money that was in the house has given them options - although you still might have to wait to get into one (top tip - if there is a waiting list, it's worth waiting for) her final years won't be as bad. Oh and b) just maybe the family might not be money grabbing mercenaries who appreciate what theirs parents did for them (which may in this day and age have included helping with a deposit for a mortgage). If I can't care for my mum, which I probably couldn't do very well, I wouldn't begrudge her burning through everything to ensure her final years are comfortable.


Have you had an elderly parent go into care?


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 18:37 ----------


Any idea how many carers, cleaners and nurses a 30 room care home does have? On average?


Have you had an elderly parent go into care?

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Have you had an elderly parent go into care?


Yep, the last two years of his life plus a few years of respite care (might be 3 now I think of it). He wasn't even that old. Why do think I know stuff like costs, staff levels etc etc. I didn't just flick open a yellow pages and go "that'll do".

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What a come back. Care to respond to any of the points or don't you understand them? No shame in not knowing what you're talking about - just say so and save the bandwidth.


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 18:26 ----------



Why? Defeats the object of having councils then doesn't it? Have everything decided by a tory led coalition government?


You'll be saying if you want to murder someone go to the next town the laws are different there.


MDB tinny


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 18:43 ----------


Yep, the last two years of his life plus a few years of respite care (might be 3 now I think of it). He wasn't even that old. Why do think I know stuff like costs, staff levels etc etc. I didn't just flick open a yellow pages and go "that'll do".

Didn't take much in did you.

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