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Blunkett - Sell house to pay for your elderly care

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Not all care homes are equal. The spendthrift will have access to far nicer digs than the one who urinated it up a wall.


I don't think you know what a spendthrift is otherwise you would realise it describes the person who urinated his money up against the wall

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If I've sold my house and spent it all on Holidays what will/can the council do?

Not much because the money has gone.

If you sold your house and gifted the money to your kids though, I think that would be different.


I read a Finance blog on this but can't find the link. I'll keep trying.

Edited by Chris_Sleeps
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Nobody seems to have mentioned the outrageous cost of a residential care home place, which on average is £600+ A WEEK, OR £2,400 PER MONTH, and then I believe there is a charge for 'Board and lodging' on top of that.


It might be in sheffield but it's a lot less everywhere else locally. And that's "all in".

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The same reason your children wouldn't be able to get housing benefit if they lived with you. You made the decision to buy assets and the economy helped you by inflating house prices. You are therefore ok and can afford your health care, others can't. What's wrong with that, nobody forced you to buy property, especially if you got RTB council property, which belonged to the state.


You seem to be the one with envy.

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You seem to be the one with envy.


Not in the slightest, it's not my policy, it's been government policy from all political persuasions way back since people went on 'the parish'. It's called means tested benefits.


As with MOST benefits, it is there for the have-nots.

The have's can look after themselves.

Isn't that the idea of means tested benefits?

All those people who bought their council houses, they were grateful enough when RTB came along. They got a reduced rate at the cost of the tax payer.

And now they want their cake and eat it, they want to keep the ex council house, give it to their children AND want the state to pay for their care home.

And you think that's fair?

No one forced them to get a mortgage.

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Not in the slightest, it's not my policy, it's been government policy from all political persuasions way back since people went on 'the parish'. It's called means tested benefits.


As with MOST benefits, it is there for the have-nots.

The have's can look after themselves.

Isn't that the idea of means tested benefits?

All those people who bought their council houses, they were grateful enough when RTB came along. They got a reduced rate at the cost of the tax payer.

And now they want their cake and eat it, they want to keep the ex council house, give it to their children AND want the state to pay for their care home.

And you think that's fair?

No one forced them to get a mortgage.


What about the home owners who didn't buy an ex council house..? What about the did haves but peed it up against the walls.?Is it right that their care should be paid for?

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What about the home owners who didn't buy an ex council house..? What about the did haves but peed it up against the walls.?Is it right that their care should be paid for?


Who do you mean, the did haves not in ex council homes? :confused:

Why are they did haves who now have care paid for them?

What did they have and why haven't they got it now?

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