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Lack of moving on in a relationship

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I think people want closeness, if its the right person, but she is quite certain that she does not want more.


Then respect it and move on. People want many things from a relationship..mostly they come from working with each other. Initially it's about the sex, maybe one or both of you got a bit too complacent to early, maybe you read the signs wrong, maybe all she ever wanted was a benefits without any commitment with you or even from you.

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If she really doesn't want more and you do then it's your choice as to whether you can compromise and live the way that she wants to live (if you love her enough) or whether this is important enough to you to be a deal breaker.


She is being very clear where her boundaries are (although it would make it easier for you to make your decision if she also told you why) and therefore there is little capacity for you to change her boundaries. Pressurising her wouldn't make a working relationship any better than you currently have and could force her hand into breaking up with you anyway, so the ball is in your court.


In relationships there is no such thing as perfection- they ALWAYS involve compromise from one side or the other, or both. If this is too much of a compromise for you then you know what you have to do.

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You are clearly feeling sorry for yourself. But you have a choice. From what you've said it appears she doesn't want to be with you. Talks over. Man-up. Accept it. Next.


Can't sugar coat it. You're looking on this forum for sympathy but that's not going to help you my friend.

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