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HELP!! Dog continuously barking when owners go out!

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As the post says my neighbours dog continually barks from them going out of the gate to coming back into the house! My neighbour went out from 11.30 and returned at 20.45 and it was constant. 10 hours plus! I have mentioned this and they have said " what can I do" can anyone advise it's driving me &£?!"'g mad! :rant::rant::rant:

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It's not a council house. Thought about environmental health. As for the retort the dog would be bored being left alone for 10 hours what about the owners responsibility of leaving it for 10 hours! Would any responsible animal owner leave their pet for 10 hours ? Think not!

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As for the retort the dog would be bored being left alone for 10 hours what about the owners responsibility of leaving it for 10 hours! Would any responsible animal owner leave their pet for 10 hours ? Think not!



there u go. Owners need to get a dog walker during day to help the dog release some energy :D

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Report it to 101 and the council (if it's a council house). They need to train the dog to not bark when they go out.


not always easily done !! a dog protects its home and as such barks ! even with a dog walker dogs bark , Mine bark when we arent there not constantly as I have a monitor which tells me whats going off , often it can be neighbours banging on doors or even postmen , meter readers , bin men and cold callers etc I would try to find out what sets the dogs off and talk to your neighbours about how they can help , if they are leaving them for 10 hours at a time its not very fair on the dogs .

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We had to have a word with our next door neighbours about this. They were completely surprised that the dog was barking all day and were very apologetic. They got the dog one of those collars that emit a high pitched squeak when it starts to bark and it makes it stop. An amicable result.

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Report them to the RSPCA, no wonder the poor thing barks. It looks as though it gets hardly any human contact and 10 hours on it's own without being to get out and relieve itself is totally not allowed as far as RSPCA goes. They don't deserve to be pet owners

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