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HELP!! Dog continuously barking when owners go out!

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It's not a council house. Thought about environmental health. As for the retort the dog would be bored being left alone for 10 hours what about the owners responsibility of leaving it for 10 hours! Would any responsible animal owner leave their pet for 10 hours ? Think not!


Millions do I would imagine to go to work.

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Millions do I would imagine to go to work.


Can't comment on the "millions" but I do know my daughters dog is left for eight hours while they are at work. They pay a dog walker to visit and take her out twice a day.

My own dog is never left for more than a couple of hours and I believe she happily curls up in her bed whilst I'm out.

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This is very common, isn't it? There was that Mark Evans documentary recently which revealed that dog owners very often have no idea how stressful their pets find being left alone.


As for "what can I do", the documentary showed techniques that could help.


Research it for your neighbour, and give them the information.

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I do not understand why people keep a dog and leave it alone all day. It is not as though the dog can read a book or watch the TV to entertain itself. It is stressful for a pack animal to be without its pack for long periods. The solution for the neighbours would be an anti-bark collar, though these are not without problems. I have a very big-voiced dog and when I let her out for her first wee at 6.00 am. I put a citronella collar on her so she does not charge up the garden barking and wake the neighbours. I do the same for the last wee. Other than that she has three hours walking a day and is never left alone for more than a couple of hours as I have an office at home. I don't know how stressful it would be for a dog to wear such a collar when alone all day. If people who are out all the time must have a dog they should have two dogs who can keep each other company. I often see dog walkers on my early walk and wonder how many of them are going to go to work and leave their poor pet on its own.

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As the post says my neighbours dog continually barks from them going out of the gate to coming back into the house! My neighbour went out from 11.30 and returned at 20.45 and it was constant. 10 hours plus! I have mentioned this and they have said " what can I do" can anyone advise it's driving me &£?!"'g mad! :rant::rant::rant:


I had this next door to me a good few years ago, every Saturday night the owners went out at 8pm and returned at 4am and in that time both Yorkshire terriers yapped their heads off constantly. It was especially difficult for me as I had to be up for work at 6.30am for work! I had a word with the owner politely and he told me where to get off impolitely in return.


I had recorded the dogs over a 4 week period and kept a diary and presented it to the landlord pending immediate court action, needless to say they moved out the following week, great for me though unlucky for the next person to cop for them....

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As the post says my neighbours dog continually barks from them going out of the gate to coming back into the house! My neighbour went out from 11.30 and returned at 20.45 and it was constant. 10 hours plus! I have mentioned this and they have said " what can I do" can anyone advise it's driving me &£?!"'g mad! :rant::rant::rant:


Seeing as you have all this time on your hands and you are worried about the dog, offer to take it for a walk a few times a day.

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Poor dog, it must be so stressed. We have a dog walker who either takes ours out to walk all morning or does an hours walk and an afternoon visit. We leave her a food filled toy and chew toys as well and other than chewing that she sleeps with our cats. These owners need to find some way of keeping their dog happy :(


the_bloke's idea is a good one if you like dogs!

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