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Shooting incident ..

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I sometimes get a tram from Hillsborough into town late at night and there are always drunks heading for West Street. If the city centre is bad at night it's because people arrive already tanked up from Hillsborough.


Because otherwise everyone in the city centre would be sober and polite. :loopy:

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I have lived in the centre of Hillsborough for a couple of years, it is a dump. Our road is always covered with dog muck its disgusting. we are frequently woken in the night by people arguing and fighting on our road.


My husbands car has been broken in to and vandalised on several occasions.


I wish I could move :(

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The pubs in Hillsborough on a Saturday night are truly something to behold. I cannot think of any part of the centre that can rival Shakey's, Legends, the Blue Ball and the Rawson Spring.


How true. Being a female I find the Rawson particularly unpleasant because it seems to place itself a cut above the others and therefore expectations are higher, but there is a general assumption that you're on the meat rack if you're in there without an attached male on a Friday or Saturday night, available for any bloke. The bouncers and community police have been helpful on more occasions than should be necessary but many of the clientele, male and female are beneath contempt. My friends and I no longer go there

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What a load of cobblers. I agree Hillsborough isn't exactly a great night-time atmosphere, but I've come through it, at night, hundreds of times and never had an issue. One isolated incident involving a gun and all of a sudden Hillsborough is the spawn of evil?


Great over-reactions in this thread.


Couldn't agree more, some reyt snobs on this forum.

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Hillsborough and the surrounding districts were like a big friendly village up to recent years, lots of interesting independent outlets and two minutes from beautiful parks and countryside

I haven't got the reason why it started going downhill but it happened several years ago and it shows no sign of recovering.

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