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Shops at Sheff Lane Top


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I have a picture of Sheffield Lane top which I am trying to identify the year. There are two shops on the photo. The first one is of the old Co-op ( which was there for quite a few years) next door is a shop with the name M.JOHNSTON over the door. I don't know what this shop sold but can anyone enlighten me as to when it could have been? ( this shop is now an electronic ciggy shop). Not a lot to go on but someone might know.


This shop was a General store , it sold some grocery items , sweets etc .

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I hear that the building that was the PHEASANT pub is to be replaced with residences. Great shame that the pub had to close.

Does anyone remember the cottages that stood behind Credlands garage at 'Lane Top'? As I remember there were 2 or 3 cottages that stood endways on to Elm lane and were demolished in the early sixties. I remember all the shops mentioned earlier as I lived on Homestead Road throughout the late fifties through to the mid seventies.

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I also lived on Homestead Road - Number 70 from 1945 until 1965. Remember most of the families on that side of the road. It was a lovely road with well cared for houses and what we called the 'Oval' where there was a garden which we weren't allowed to play on and where the Council came weekly to upkeep it!

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Good to get a response so quickly, thank you. I suspect you are a little older than me as I would be just twelve when you left in 1965; you were probably more aware of my sister Pat as we lived just a couple of doors away at no. 64

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We lived at number 31 across the road from the oval, I was born there in 1951 and left in 1972 my father then re-married and moved onto Kinnaird road, I then moved back into the house this was in 1974 until about 1980, used to be a lovely place to live, gardens well kept and the oval was maintained weekly by council gardeners,used to love living there loads of good memories.

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I hear that the building that was the PHEASANT pub is to be replaced with residences. Great shame that the pub had to close.

Does anyone remember the cottages that stood behind Credlands garage at 'Lane Top'? As I remember there were 2 or 3 cottages that stood endways on to Elm lane and were demolished in the early sixties. I remember all the shops mentioned earlier as I lived on Homestead Road throughout the late fifties through to the mid seventies.


Pheasant - far too long neglected. Demolition was refused last year as it was a group wanting to demolish it to make way for a drive in/restaurant KFC.


The demolition request was made by QFM group http://www.qfm-group.com/

But the council refused to allow it to be demolished so they left it unsecured so vandals can do the job for them. Fly tipping takes place on a regular basis. If you see a mess there report it on http://www.fixmystreet.com. Let's try and tidy up our neighbourhood.


Next thing to be demolished will be the ESC clubhouse on Shiregreen Lane. Our 'caring' :gag:Council failed to secure it when the club house closed so now after being vandalised badly there is no choice other than to pull it down.

Shame on Sheffield City Council. :rant:



Edited by gene
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Here is a scan from the 1957 Kelly's Directory. No 64 is shown as Alfred Buckley in the directories I have from this one of 1957 to the last directory published, 1974.

...When I was young it was an old couple with no children!!
The only previous householder at No 64 (back to 1936) was "William Edward Porter, knife smither".
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